Your daily dose of Yog

Three’s company…

A newsletter that does not waste time in coming to the point. Three recommendations per week – one book, one song, one article. No lengthly…
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Hi Ted!

I haven’t given a Ted Talk as yet, but then, Ted was never around. Public speaking is not easy. There are many who speak in…
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Choices and consequences…

What role does choice play in our lives? I read a book somewhere that spoke about parallel realities. Every time we are faced with a…
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Of Nara and Narayana…

Narayana and Nara are supposed to have taken form as Sri Krishna and Arjuna. They were almost like twins, working together living together, eating together, one being in…
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Of teachers and Teachers – part 2

गुरुरेव परा काष्ठा गुरुरेव परं धनं । यस्मात्तदुपदेष्टाऽसौ तस्माद्गुरुतरो गुरुरिति ॥ १८॥ gurureva parā kāṣṭhā gurureva paraṁ dhanaṁ | yasmāttadupadeṣṭā’sau tasmādgurutaro gururiti || 18|| Advaya…
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Of teachers and Teachers…

We may remember Teachers Day as the day when we decorated the blackboard (or green board, as was in our case), and wished our teachers…
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Outage outrage…

Thank you Apple. So here is what supposedly happened – one file in a kernel update was corrupted, and Windows crashed worldwide. One file –…
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And then there were three…

Started my second newsletter on LinkedIn. Called Three. A newsletter that does not waste time in coming to the point. Three recommendations per week –…
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Small bites, always:)

I had been wanting to write regularly from quite some time. It did happen in fits and starts, but didn’t go on to be consistent.…
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A trip to the book store…

A trip to the bookstore… A trail mostly forgotten By most of us who find ‘better’ things to get busy with… A trip to the…
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Of bad experiences and good ones…

Dr. Rick Hanson, neuropsychologist and author of “Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence”, writes that we humans share ancestors with “bats, begonias…
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Time commitment – 10 minutes everyday This exercise is simple. All you need to do, is write something that no one else will see. Just…
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Would you like to prepare for death?

Time commitment : 10-15 minutes, after every yogic practice The standing joke in yoga classes, is that everyone’s favourite pose is śavāsana. Most people think of…
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Don’t do anything!

Time commitment – 10 minutes every alternate day From observing, to observation. From total involvement, to no involvement. The no-mind exercise has a simple procedure –…
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Take a walk…

Time commitment : One hour every week We spoke about connecting with nature in an earlier post. This exercise is an extension of the “walk in…
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Yesterday, we had a look at how Sanatana schools of thought address the concept of collective effervescence. Today, let’s look at embodiment. Most religions usually…
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Collective effervescence…

In his book – The Anxious Generation – Jonathan Haidt speaks about “drawing on wisdom from ancient traditions and modern psychology to tray to make sense…
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How valuable is your attention?

Tristan Harris, a former ethicist at Google, created a PowerPoint presentation for his fellow Google employees in 2013. Titled – A call to minimize distractions…
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Five commandments…

1. Question every requirement. Each should come with the name of the person who made it. You should never accept that a requirement came from a…
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On public speaking…

“In fact, public speaking anxiety may be primal and quintessentially human, not limited to those of us born with a high-reactive nervous system. One theory,…
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Not again!

I visited the doc yesterday – the allergy was getting the better of me. He prescribed some nasal sprays and an allergy tab, and so…
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Sniff sniff…again

Ok. So it’s been a while since I had the allergy attack and unfortunately I’ve fallen sick (again) and it’s the same sniff sniff and…
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On leisure…

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare…
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1563. That’s the number of days since I first started writing this blog regularly. Not a day missed – I wrote through sickness and health,…
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Aren’t we all addicts?

Aren’t we? IoS has a feature called “focus”. For those minutes and hours that we need to spend on one thing, without any distractions. This…
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On Rasas…

A couple of years back, I read an engaging book – The Tell-Tale Brain, by Dr. V.S. Ramachandran. An interesting look at what makes us…
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On the restless mind…

The mind has a tendency to be restless – to constantly keep thinking of hundreds of things at once. Even when you sit still, the…
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On rites of passage…

A rite of passage is a ceremony or ritual of the passage which occurs when an individual leaves one group to enter another. It involves…
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Epi what?

Epishura. Now, chances are that you have not heard of this. Nor had I. Epishura inhabits Lake Baikal, the largest source of freshwater in the…
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The love of tradition…

अणुभ्यश्च महद्भ्यश्च शास्त्रेभ्यः कुशलो नरः।सर्वतः सारमादद्यात् पुष्पेभ्य इव षट्पदः।। – Skilled people learn from every source, be it big or small, much like honey bees, who…
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Studies and careers…

I am an engineer…yet never worked a day in engineering… How many here are like me? What do you think of it? The adage goes…
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On those who serve…

Just as the sun, despite being lustrous, cannot shine without its rays, similarly, a king, even though he may be full of majesty, cannot be…
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Of gains and losses…

To have gained and lost, is worse than not to have gained at all… Human life is all about striving towards something. Some work towards…
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What happened to our neighborhoods?

As mentioned yesterday, am reading “The Anxious Generation” that is quite startling in terms of the subject matter – children are being rewired (actually have…
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The anxious generation…

Today was Nirjala Ekādashi – a vrata without food and water. Started at sunrise, and will end tomorrow a bit post sunrise. 24 hours without…
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Just breathe!

How do I start yoga? Quite a common question yes? Most people are used to enrolling in the neighbourhood yoga class, where the instructor quickly…
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AAo twist karein…

Vakra means twisted, and hence Vakrasana is called the twisted pose.  The Vakrasana yoga posture helps to tone the nerves around the spinal cord, strengthen our abdomen…
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Zen stories. They bring back fond memories. Of times I spent with my master – sometimes in larger groups, other times just with the uchideshis…
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Let’s Kanban it!

The Emirates is closed for four days. A long weekend, that is actually a full week of holidays. And so I decided to use this…
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A subhāşita…

A person should examine his own deeds this way everyday – are mine comparable to animals or to that of the noble? The only person…
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Just six…

Is human life the result of many coincidences and random chance? Or is it instead the fine-tuning of the laws that govern it which have…
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A favorite of mine…

Not many songs touch a chord the way this one does. Melody, classical touches and beautiful picturisation, an ode to my favorite Krishna, what else…
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Of ideas and courage…

Read this somewhere… The thing that gives people courage is ideas. And it is not only courage that comes from ideas; it is determination; it…
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தேரா மன்னா செப்புவது உடையேன்எள்ளறு சிறப்பின் இமையவர் வியப்பப்புள்ளுறு புன்கண் தீர்த்தோன் அன்றியும் வாயிற் கடைமணி நடுநா நடுங்கஆவின் கடைமணி உகுநீர் நெஞ்சுசுடத் தான்தன்அரும்பெறல் புதல்வனை ஆழியின் மடித்தோன்பெரும்பெயர்ப் புகார்என் பதியே அவ்வூர்ஏசாச் சிறப்பின் இசைவிளங்கு…
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True intentions…

Here is the previous part… As they moved towards deeper waters, RaktaMukha got frightened, held the crocodile tightly, and said “KarālaMukha, please swim slowly. These…
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The pigeon and the hunter…

The story of the pigeon and the hunter This is one of the more heart-breaking stories of the Panchatantra, but one that is so beautiful…
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Just read more!

I hear this in nearly every appraisal that I conduct – I want to improve my communication skills and writing skills. And I have the…
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a few lines…

Was starting a blog on another topic, when I came across some lines that I felt nice about. Here they are… At the age of…
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Of Panchayats and elections…

And so election season finally comes to an end…for now. Unless the “one nation one election” proposal is implemented, this election process will continue throughout…
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A thought that crosses my mind…

Far from the madding crowd… from the atmosphere of pretentious interaction of cold handshakes and superficial exchanges… from places that are too boring to frequent…
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Tired, and then some…

Phew, it’s been a very busy two weeks! I’ve been working from 7ish to 9ish, morning to evening. Calls, business plans, internal reviews, plans, strategies…the…
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Who is the real me?

न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा न यज्ञाः । अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। About a couple of years back, I had written about the Nirvana Śhatakam. Recently, I stumbled upon another poem, which isn’t anywhere…
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Education…or money?

Money, or education…if you had just one choice to make, what would you choose? Ok, there is a caveat here. A lot of you may…
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Gyan Mudra

Time commitment : 5 minutes everyday Today, we will practice our second mudra – the jñāna Mudra. I have made a lot of references to this mudra…
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Tracking accomplishments..

This exercise will help you reflect upon your daily tasks, and take the first steps to move from being busy, to being productive. A few…
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Yoga and true yog…

We are introducing a Wellness Allowance as part of our new compensation package in Dubai. Employees are encouraged to devote some time to their wellness,…
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On compensation…

Designing a salary package is tricky. From an employee perspective, there is a requirement to maximise compensation, and from an employer perspective, one has to…
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The bot culture…

A cursory glance at Twitter trends throws light on the condition of social media today. Over 90% of those trends are bot-driven, an in-your-face attempt…
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A little too open AI…

Hydrogen, given enough time, turns into people… Edward Robert Harrison, 1995 You know it is concerning when someone like Scarlett Johansson has her voice (allegedly)…
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Of the billion struggles…

A few months back, I read Elon Musk’s biography, and what an interesting read it was! Now, am not a sucker for bios, and surely…
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Expressing yourself…

A few months back, of my team members told me that she wants to write. Aha! She was interested in taking up content writing, and…
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Think before you wish it!

Manthara reached home by evening. “My dear, my dear”, he called out as he walked through the door. Seeing her in the kitchen, he went…
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The nature of the mind…

सत्त्वानुरूपा सर्वस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत |श्रद्धामयोऽयं पुरुषो यो यच्छ्रद्ध: स एव स: || sattvānurūpā sarvasya śhraddhā bhavati bhārataśhraddhā-mayo ‘yaṁ puruṣho yo yach-chhraddhaḥ sa eva saḥ…
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उदेति सविता ताम्रस्ताम्र एवास्तमेतिच।  सम्पतौ च विपत्तौ च महतामेकरूपता॥ udeti savitā tāmras tāmra evāstameti ca |  saṃpattau ca vipattau ca mahatāmekarūpatā || Kavya Prakash 7.245…
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On being jealous…

Jealousy is a common human trait. We would have to admit that we have been jealous or envious of someone at some stage of our…
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Of Akshaya and Tritiyas…

Akshayais a Sanskrit word meaning ‘unending’ or ‘indestructible’. On this day, the Pandavas received the Akshaya Patra (upon worshipping Surya deva), a vessel that never…
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Us vs them…

Constant reinforcing of values is essential for growth, since such growth is not made in one day, but in small steps over a period of…
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Octopus and a bubble…

Anyone who has been through a toddler knows the importance of bubbles in their lives. They demand it at will, and the popping of these…
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The net is down:(

So something is wrong with my mobile internet. In normal circumstances, it would have been fine, but the issue is that it serves as my…
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The good old days…

Don’t we see nostalgic posts of this kind every other day? On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and oddly enough, even on LinkedIn. The kind which romanticizes…
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Why don’t you just try?

As I logged into LinkedIn a couple of days back, it gave me an option to create newsletters (and run them on a regular basis).…
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Of worms and learning…

घुणाक्षर न्याय (Gunākshara Nyāya) – The maxim of the letters made by the wood worm, Ghuna. This worm bores holes in wood and in books which sometimes assume…
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Quotable quotes from over a thousand years…

सुहृदि निरन्तर-रचिते गुणवति भृत्येऽनुवर्तिनि कलत्रे ।स्वामिनि शक्ति-समेते निवेद्य दुःखं सुखी भवति ॥ ३७२ ॥ suhṛdi nirantara-racite guṇavati bhṛtye’nuvartini kalatre |svāmini śakti-samete nivedya duḥkhaṃ sukhī bhavati || 372…
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Of snakes and gold coins…

“My king, what is there to think about? He should be killed! It is said… हीनः शत्रुर् निहन्तव्यो यावन् न बलवान् भवेत् ।प्राप्त-स्व-पौरुष-बलः पश्चाद् भवति…
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Sosai Oss!

Today is the 30th death anniversary of Sosai Masutatsu Ōyama, the grandmaster of Kyokushin Karate. Yog is a way of life, that combines asanas (postures) and…
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Just a reminder…

Nothing much to say, just see the video:) For those of us who are with our families and able to see them every single day…isn’t…
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The power of focus…

यतो यतो निश्चलति मनश्चञ्चलमस्थिरम् ।ततस्ततो नियम्यैतदात्मन्येव वशं नयेत् ॥ २६ ॥ yato yato niścalatimanaś cañcalam asthiramtatas tato niyamyaitadātmany eva vaśaṁ nayet From wherever the mind…
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It’s interview time!

So the next round of expansion has begun – an integral part of this are the interviews that we conduct with potentials. And it’s always…
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Of eggs and scamsters…

You may have come across this kind – as they say in Hindi – अंदर से कुछ और, बाहर से कुछ और। In English –…
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Our living world…

The kid is home from nearly a week, and online classes, while being creative and satisfying (NOT), still cannot provide Keshav with the hyper-excitement that…
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And then we were seven…

Seven years back we started with one, now we are many. I don’t quite recall the process of selecting the name and creating the logo…
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Dubai rocks!

Of course, you all know by now that Dubai received the highest rainfall in 75 years, and images and videos of flooded roads and houses…
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And what did you see?

“As brains get larger and more complex, what goes on inside the brain gets further removed from what is happening in the environment. To see…
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Don’t do anything…

Well, and so it comes to an end. The looo(ooo)ng weekend of 9 days, went faster than expected. With a host of tasks and meetings…
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Come here and attain moksha!

Read the preview here… In this city, King Candraprabha fasted and performed tapasya, distributed more of his wealth and fed more Brāhmans, and performed the…
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I bet you can’t read the first sentence…

ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਨਾਲ ਵਾਅਦਾ ਕਰਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਕਿ ਮੈਂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਸਿੱਖਾਂਗਾ You didn’t understand the title right? It’s in Punjabi. Even if you are a Punjabi,…
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The running of time…

Time that runs away! Ricardo Gondim I counted my years and found that I will have less time to live from now on than I have…
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Of ladies and mongooses…

ब्राह्मणीनकुलकथा The story of the Brahmin lady and the mongoose In a village, not so far away from here, lived a Brahmin named DevaSharma. He lived…
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To new beginnings…

Today is Ugādi — the first day of Chaitrā māsā, or the beginning of the new year. Largely celebrated in South India (where I am from), Maharashtra…
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Of the seven sages…

तदेष श्लोको भवति ।अर्वाग्बिलश्चमस ऊर्ध्वबुध्नः, तस्मिन्यशो निहितं विश्वरूपम् ।तस्यासत ऋषयः सप्त तीरे, वागष्टमी ब्रह्मणा संविदान ॥इति ।‘अर्वाग्बिलश्चमस ऊर्ध्वबुध्नः’ इतीदं तच्छिरः, एष ह्यर्वाग्बिलश्चमस ऊर्ध्वबुध्नः; ‘तस्मिन्यशो निहितं…
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Ramayana for kids…

The Illustrated Ramayana for kids is meant to be read with context – the material is basic, and aims to serve as an introduction to…
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On the origins of phrases…

Read a bit about the origins of some common phrases. Interesting! They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all…
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Of visions and CEOs…

A year back to this day, I visited one of the offices of a very famous CEO in Dubai. Here is what I wrote then……
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Of suns and eclipses…

A solar eclipse is imminent… यत्त्वा॑ सूर्य॒ स्व॑र्भानु॒स्तम॒सावि॑ध्यदासु॒रः । अक्षे॑त्रवि॒द्यथा॑ मु॒ग्धो भुव॑नान्यदीधयुः ॥यत्त्वा सूर्य स्वर्भानुस्तमसाविध्यदासुरः । अक्षेत्रविद्यथा मुग्धो भुवनान्यदीधयुः ॥ yat tvā sūrya svarbhānus tamasāvidhyad…
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Of ants and serpents…

पिपीलिकाभुजङ्गमकथा The story of the ants and the serpent “This is a short story. At the base of a fig tree not very far away…
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Day one done!

Day 1 – done! Well, was a bit of an anti-climax actually, since it went pretty smoothly – he got up well, ate well, went…
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A new phase begins…

Tomorrow is Keshav’s first day at his first school. While he has been going to nursery for nearly a year, this will be his first…
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Managing one’s money…

Money is simple – it is a promise. Made by the Central Bank of the country, to honor it when presented, and to assign a…
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Of apps and health…

A couple of days back, I was at the clinic (again) – Keshav had developed an infection (again). They have now implemented a comprehensive digital…
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Closer than you think…

An elderly couple lived in great poverty, on the brink of a huge forest. They used to walk through the forest everyday, to gather firewood…
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Orientation day…

So tomorrow, Keshav begins his journey in a formal school. Actually, his parents do, since it is orientation day. The actual classes will commence a…
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Just surrender to me…

When I was uneducated, when I didn’t know…a stone was a stone. I gained education, and became learned…when I knew…then a stone was not a…
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Holy and Holi…

होली है!! Holi hai! Holi is a popular festival in Sanatana Dharma, originating from India. It is celebrated predominantly in India, but has also spread to…
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On Sarvajña…

Vidyea parvathave aadha Sarvajña… ಒಲೆಗುಂಡನೊಬ್ಬನೇ ಮೆಲಬಹುದು ಎಂದಿಹರೆ ಮೆಲಬಹುದು ಎಂಬವನೆ  ಜಾಣ  , ಮೂರ್ಖನ ಗೆಲುವಾಗದಯ್ಯ  Olegundanobbanaee maelabahudhu yendhihare Maelabahudhu yembavane jaana, Murkhana geluvaagadheyaa, Sarvagna Arguing with a fool is…
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Let the games begin!

The school is about to begin. We got the invite for the orientation, with a cover letter, teachers welcome and a whole load of details.…
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And finally, my home is nearly ready. A long time, but I know it will be worth it. An amount of Rs 11.30 crore was…
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Always in doubt…

चलने ही चलने में कितना जीवन, हाय, बिता डाला!‘दूर अभी है’, पर, कहता है हर पथ बतलानेवाला,हिम्मत है न बढूँ आगे को साहस है न…
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Is it good to be quiet?

I had written about Quiet in a post a few days ago. In a world that places a premium on group activity, extroverts and brainstorming, Quiet comes…
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A con and a big pro!

Phew. Exhausted. Shifting homes can be a tedious exercise for everyone involved. The outgoing occupant, the incoming occupant, the neighbors and even the movers and…
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A common mother?

Do you know about Mitochondrial Eve? If you recall (or don’t) from biology class, mitochondria generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the…
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The beginning…

मां निषाद प्रतिष्ठां- त्वमगमः शाश्वतीः समाः।यत्क्रौंचम- िथुनादेकम्- अवधीः काममोहितम् || “mā niṣāda pratiṣṭhāṁ tvamagamaḥ śāśvatīḥ samāḥ yat krauñcamithunādekam avadhīḥ kāmamohitam”  “You will find no rest for…
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Where is the news?

Open any new site today. The ratio is roughly 30/70. That is, 30% of actual news, and 70% clickbait and tabloid-type articles.  Top clickbaits include…
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Of cultures and joyousness…

Muditā (Pāli and Sanskrit: मुदिता) is a Sanatan concept of joy, particularly an especially sympathetic or vicarious joy—the pleasure that comes from delighting in other people’s well-being. Schadenfreude – pleasure derived…
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Of expectorants and kitchen grouts…

Specialisations. Once seen as a must-have, specialization is now looked at with a little skepticism. Carving yourself a niche too narrow can be counter-productive, given…
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A mystery yet unsolved…

It was written 600 years ago. It’s 234 pages long. It’s been studied by cryptographers and codebreakers alike. And yet, we still have no idea…
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Do you really look?

On Looking: Eleven walks…came highly recommended. I haven’t read Alexandra Horowitz before, and the reviews on Goodreads were not the most encouraging. Nevertheless, I did…
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What’s gotta give…

Mahashivratri. The night when you stay awake, and pray to Shiva, the ultimate Yogi. A lot of questions may arise in our minds, when we…
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Of the original mother…

Mother Nature – We are born from nature, we live by nature, and when we are gone, we become part of nature again. It is sad…
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On writing…

Wilting flowers do not cause  suffering; it is the unrealistic desire that flowers will not wilt that causes suffering. – Thich Nhat Hanh. “And how is…
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India…or Bharat?

Bharat that is India. Or India, that is Bharat. Kiran Bedi: Did we make a mistake in converting our name from Bharat to India? Sadhguru: A…
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Twelve steps to a better you…

The 12 steps of Suryanamaskara Pranamasana or Anjali Mudra / Prayer Pose Utthana Hasthasana / Upward Salute Padahastanasana  / Hand To Feet Ashva Sanchalanasana / Equestrian Pose Phalakasana / Plank Pose Ashtanga Namaskra /  Salute With Eight…
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Stand straight!

Today, we look at Tadasana. Tadasana, ‘mountain pose’. B.K.S. Iyengar, the renowned guru of yoga, said, “Once we can master ‘tadasana’ then all the other…
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Of hands and feet…

Padahastasana is a variation of Uttanasana (उत्तानासन) or Standing Forward Bend.Pada (पाद, Pāda) = leg, footHasta (हस्त, Hasta) = handAsana (आसन, Āsana) = pose, posture, seatPada-Hastasana (पादहस्तासन, Pāda-Hastāsana) = feet-on-hands-posture Padahastasana or…
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of bound angles…

Bhadrasana is also known as Baddha Konasana. The name comes from the Sanskrit words बद्ध, Baddha meaning “bound”, कोण, Koṇa meaning “angle”,[ and आसन, Āsana meaning “posture” or “seat”. The name Baddha…
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Of trees and poses…

One of the most recognizable yoga asanas, Vrikshasana has been identified in Indian relics dating back to the seventh century.  In ancient times, wandering sadhus would meditate…
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Of diamonds and health…

The name comes from the Sanskrit words vajra, a weapon whose name means “thunderbolt” or “diamond”, and asana meaning “posture”. Vajrasana or Thunderbolt pose is considered to be the best…
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Of slithering snakes and healthy humans…

The name comes from the Sanskrit words भुजङ्ग bhujanga, “snake” or “cobra” and आसन asana, “posture” or “seat”, from the resemblance to a cobra with its hood…
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Of hares and the moon…

Shashankasana resembles a ‘Hare’ in its final stages and hence the name. Since it has a calming effect on the body and mind, it is…
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Aao twist karein…

Vakra means twisted, and hence Vakrasana is called the twisted pose.  The Vakrasana yoga posture helps to tone the nerves around the spinal cord, strengthen our abdomen…
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Of triangles and health…

The triangle pose is consisted of two Sanskrit words Trikon and Asana. The meaning of trikon (त्रिकोण) is triangle while the meaning of asana is…
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Do you dare to dream?

Is your dream too big? Or too small? Or do you have one at all? Do they say its not going to happen, this dream…
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On reading…

1) Read 10 pages to start the day. 2) A good way is to wake up, drink a glass of water, write down 3 things…
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Of fasting and service…

There is so much to do nowadays that I am living between Ekādashis. Days are passing very fast – I manage to keep track only…
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Of babies and pastimes…

Did you know that in the Middle Ages in England, one could swing by during lunch to watch a public execution? Or get into the…
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Of dogs and donkeys…

रासभशृगालकथा The story of the donkey and the fox In a village, not so far away from here, lived a donkey named Uddhata (the arrogant one). He…
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Learning and discipline…

आदौ नित्यानित्यवस्तुविवेकः परिगम्यते । इहामुत्रफलभोगविरागस्तदनन्तरम्शमादिषट्कसम्पत्तिर्मुमुक्षुत्वमिति स्फुटम् ॥ १९ ॥ ādau nityānityavastuvivekaḥ parigamyate | ihāmutraphalabhogavirāgastadanantaramśamādiṣaṭkasampattirmumukṣutvamiti sphuṭam  from Vivekacūḍāmaṇi, written by Jagadguru Adi Śaṅkarācārya First is enumerated discrimination between the…
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Machines and consciousness…

Physics describes patterns in spacetime that correspond to particles moving around. If the particle arrangements obey certain principles, they give rise to emergent phenomena that…
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A few steps away from me…

In around a couple of months from today, Keshav will join his first regular school. He has been attending nursery (or pre-nursery, whatever they call…
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Deepa Jyothi…

One of the Shlokas that I want to teach Rohāmrta is the Deepa Jyothi shloka. I did try hard to search for its original source,…
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On commencing a journey of learning…

सरस्वति नमस्तुभ्यं वरदे कामरूपिणि ।विद्यारम्भं करिष्यामि सिद्धिर्भवतु मे सदा ॥ sarasvati namastubhyaṃ varade kāmarūpiṇi .vidyārambhaṃ kariṣyāmi siddhirbhavatu me sadā .. Namaskar, O Saraswati, grantor of…
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Are you a caveman?

“In fact, public speaking anxiety may be primal and quintessentially human, not limited to those of us born with a high-reactive nervous system. One theory,…
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Liking things the way they are…

Status-quo bias – The tendency for people to stay committed to current situations, for fear of changing to the unknown. Status quo bias is also…
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Henry and Bubbles

Had a chance meeting with an elderly gentleman today, at the Arte Market at Times Square Mall. A grandfather of many, John Felton retired 17…
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One year back 🙂 Chaulam is also called Cūḍākarma (चूडाकर्म) and Cūḍākaraṇam ((चूडाकरणम्) Chudakarana). Cūḍā means tuft (of hair) that is kept on the back…
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The art of breathing…

Nadi is a subtle energy channel in the human body – there are 72,000 Nadis in all. Shodhana means cleaning or purification, and Pranayama is…
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Of little worms and strangled priests…

Did you know that strozzapreti (a type of pasta) means ‘strangled priests’, or that vermicelli means ‘little worms’? Or that the Scottish word sgiomlaireachd (yes it’s a…
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Of hunger and hunger games…

A very productive day, and a monster dinner to wrap things up! As we returned, stuffed to the brim, I recalled one of the episodes…
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Mantra – the right way…

Time commitment : 10 minutes thrice a week We have, so far, practiced an āsana, a form of prānāyāma, a mudra and basic meditation. Bringing…
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You “can” do it…

Watching a child grow can be the most fulfilling thing that you can ever experience. Here is what I wrote when he was 10 months…
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And who am I?

As with most people who are well-raised, well-educated and financially secure, Dr. Tokai only thought of himself… Men without Women, Haruki Murakami Who am I?…
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And the day went well…

So the day started with Keshav’s birthday celebrations at school, and ended with Keshav’s birthday celebrations at home! Good food( a little too much food),…
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And three years go by…

Three years. Time flies, goes the cliche. Well, it actually does. Three years back, this day, I had no clue that someone would visit the…
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Giving on your janma tithi…

ज्योतिषाम् अपि तज् ज्योतिस् तमसः परम् उच्यते । ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं ज्ञान-गम्यं हृदि सर्वस्य धिष्ठितम् ॥ १८ ॥ jyotiṣām api taj jyotis tamasaḥ param ucyate |jñānaṃ jñeyaṃ jñāna-gamyaṃ…
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Rohaamrut’s janma tithi…

दीप्यते दीपयति वा स्वं परं चेति that which is light and enlightens others is known as Deepa… Tomorrow is my janma tithi, that time of the…
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Akshayais a Sanskrit word meaning ‘unending’ or ‘indestructible’. On this day, the Pandavas received the Akshaya Patra (upon worshipping Surya deva), a vessel that never…
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Aim high, for the stars they say, But the stars are impossible, says me.  Why don’t I aim to be higher, better, stronger than what…
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A cryptic life…

It was written 600 years ago. It’s 234 pages long. It’s been studied by cryptographers and codebreakers alike. And yet, we still have no idea…
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One nation…one Republic!

Ah, the Indian Republic Day! The tribute at the Amar Jawan Jyoti, the parades, the tableaus, the march past…the show of strength… I remember when…
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Ancient story, modern renders:)

Twitter user @mvdhav has come up with AI-generated version of the Ramayana:) Here is part 1! Ayodhya, capital of the great Kingdom of Kosala, was…
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A day like no other…

Yesterday was a momentous occasion – one that will be remembered as a defining moment in the history of humanity. And why is it so?…
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The language of Nagara…

रामो विग्रहवान्धर्मः साधुः सत्यपराक्रमः। rāmo vigrahavāndharmaḥ sādhuḥ satyaparākramaḥ। Honorable and truly brave – Rāma is the embodiment of Dharma!वाल्मीकिरामायणम् ३.३७.१३ (vālmīkirāmāyaṇam 3.37.13) The Ram temple…
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A few padas from the Valmiki Ramayana…

धर्म–धर्मादर्थःप्रभवतिधर्मात्प्रभवतेसुखम्।धर्मणलभतेसर्वंधर्मप्रसारमिदंजगत्॥ धर्म से ही धन, सुख तथा सब कुछ प्राप्त होता है । इस संसार में धर्म ही सार वस्तु है । धर्मात् from righteous…
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The coming home of Rama…

द्विः शरं नाभिसन्धत्ते द्विः स्थापयति नाश्रितान् । द्विर्ददाति न चार्थिभ्यो, रामो द्विर्नाभिभाषते ॥ Rāma doesn’t aim twice, he doesn’t give refuge twice, Rāma does not…
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Shri Ramayan Manka – Part 3

चख चख कर फल शबरी लाई,प्रेम सहित खाये रघुराई |ऎसे मीठे नहीं हैं आम,पतितपावन सीताराम | |51 | | विप्र रुप धरि हनुमत आए,चरण कमल…
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Shri Ramayan Manka – Part 2

मेरा दोष बता प्रभु दीजो,संग मुझे सेवा में लीजो |अर्द्धांगिनी मैं तुम्हारी राम,पतितपावन सीताराम | |25 | | समाचार सुनि लक्ष्मण आये,धनुष बाण संग परम…
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Shri Ramayan Manka – Part 1

रघुपति राघव राजाराम,पतितपावन सीताराम |जय रघुनन्दन जय घनश्याम,पतितपावन सीताराम | | भीड़ पड़ी जब भक्त पुकारे,दूर करो प्रभु दु:ख हमारे |दशरथ के घर जन्मे राम,पतितपावन…
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Mangal bhavan amangal haari…

Another personal favorite of mine, the translations do not justify even a percent of the meaning of this bhajan. Instead of trying to find the…
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All it takes is one…

आदौ राम तपोवनादि गमनं हत्वा मृगं कांचनं । वैदेही हरणं जटायु मरणं सुग्रीव सम्भाषणं ॥ वाली निर्ग्रहणं समुद्र तरणं लंकापुरी दाहनं । पश्चात रावण कुम्बकर्ण हननं…
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Shri Rama Stuti…

One of my favorite renditions of Sooryagayathri, “Shri Ramachandra Kripalu” or “Shri Ram Stuti” is a part of Vinaya Patrika, a devotional poem composed by Goswami…
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The beginning…

The day is nearing:) As we wait for the D-day on the 22nd of January, here is a glimpse of the story that accompanies. A…
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Should we be thankful?

“Nor is the biosphere a great preserver of species. In addition to being notoriously cruel to individuals, evolution involves continual extinctions of entire species. The…
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Who dives in Mal anyways?

Am thinking of taking a long-due and well-deserved vacation. Where should I go, any ideas? Maldives possibly? is it still open? Jokes aside – but…
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On choices…

We are but the sum total of the choices we make, so they say… We choose our friends, from the time we set foot in…
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On reading…again.

Ok, so a lot of people pinged me asking more specifics on how to get into the reading habit. Is it too late for me?…
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On reading…

“In my whole life, I have known no wise people – over a broad subject matter area – who didn’t read all the time –…
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A few gems more…

You can read Part 1 here. Read the following lines in isolation from the rest – take your time and reflect on each excerpt:) Pax…
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2024 – here we come:)

My first decision this year – is to read more actively. You already know that I read a lot – but as it goes with…
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I love it when you…

I love it when you hold my hand with your tiny fingers and then grip it tightly and fall asleep… I love it when you…
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On perseverance…

It’s late, you are tired, been working all day, Don’t worry, tomorrow you will be fresh again… You missed going out with friends, a bit…
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When we were kids in the back yardPlaying astronauts and rock starsNo one told us to stop itCalled us unrealistic Then suddenly you’re eighteenGo to…
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Have a Merry Christmas!

Christmas, in the words of Sri Krishnananda. I have taken a few bits of his lecture – parts that are relevant to you and me.…
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Merry Christmas!

It’s that time of the year when people start to wind down, commencing with Christmas and ending in the New Year. A time to spend…
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What a waste of intelligence…

Epishura. Now, chances are that you have not heard of this. Nor had I. Epishura inhabits Lake Baikal, the largest source of freshwater in the…
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Twelve steps to health…

Today, I had a very interesting discussion on Suryanamaskara. A few of my colleagues have been trying to get this right, but were confused about…
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A bit of Whitney Hanson…

“tell me your secret” I ask the small child within “how do you find hope?” she stoops down, picks a dandelion, and blows seeds into…
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Business and small? No!

A small business is anything but small. What it lacks in size, it makes up in impact. If you think of it, prior to the…
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On nostalgia…

Nostalgia is an odd feeling. One is nostalgic at all points in life – it’s almost as if the times that we passed by were…
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The one with reviews…

There are but few important events in the affairs of men brought about by their own choice… Poetry is a form that shimmers between fact…
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Of cars and mobility…

Mobility is a bit broken, isn’t it? I mean, it shouldn’t take so much to ferry people from point A to point B. Yet, mankind…
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On questions…

Is there a God? Are there many Gods? Who writes our destinies? Are they even written? Or does life play out in it’s own way…
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Not so Malgudi…

Malgudi days. To a late 80s- early 90s kid, it brings back sweet memories – Master Manjunath as Swaminathan, the oh-so-familiar beginning credits music, the…
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Of kids and interactions…

Kids interact in the most wonderful ways. I observe a lot when my son is around other kids – the dynamics of their (sometimes non)…
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Let’s take over the world…

My son loves dinosaurs. Until they only appear on TV that is. Anyways, I never thought that toddlers would love Dinos of all things. I…
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You just won a lottery!

A while back, I had an interesting conversation on my (not so frequent) visit to my hairdresser. My barber, oh sorry, ‘hairdresser’, was in a…
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Food anyone?

Can you guess the most eaten vegetable in the United States? Well, I can safely say that whatever you guessed, was wrong. The answer, and…
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Violence loves me?

The most violent men call this man the most violent… Excusable grammar aside, it’s troubling to see such language being celebrated as watchable cinema. I…
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The quest for learning…

What matters more? The ability to learn, or the attitude towards learning? Some might argue that we don’t have the ability to learn anything and…
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Of false victories and forgiveness…

धारणात् खनकस्यापि धरण्या इव नि:समा ।स्वापराधिषु या क्षान्ति: स धर्म: परमो नृणाम् ॥ To bear with those who revile us, just as the earth bears…
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Of holidays and Kanban…

The Emirates was closed for three days. A long weekend, the last one this year. And so I decided to use this time to relook…
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Doing what you love…

During the course of my interviews with many candidates, I come to learn of their passions outside work. They want to pursue these vocations, but…
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Of sounds and the Universe…

अकारादेव निर्यान्ति समस्तान्यक्षराणि च ।चराचरप्रपञ्चोऽय मीश्वरादेव जायते ॥ The alphabet begins with the “A” sound, so does the Universe begin with the universal consciousness. The…
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Sands and ambition…

Tomorrow we enter the long weekend – a weekend of celebration. A celebration of a young, but ambitious nation. One that was built not on…
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Of picks and happiness…

Rohāmrta has his daily pick. One toy, one piece of stuff – can be anything from a spoon to his car. This thing then becomes…
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On jealousy…

Jealousy is a common human trait. We would have to admit that we have been jealous or envious of someone at some stage of our…
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On miners and stories…

The trapped miners have finally been freed! Unless you have been living under a rock (do excuse the pun), pretty much the whole of India…
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Oops…I lost…

Ok, I lost the challenge.  From the past few years, the Dubai Fitness Challenge has been the key to kickstarting my winter training schedule. Me…
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A drop from the Panchatantra…

पूर्वं तावद् अहं मूर्खो द्वितीयः पशु-बन्धकः ।ततो राजा च मन्त्री च सर्वं वै मूर्ख-मण्डलम् ॥ २१६ ॥ pūrvaṃ tāvad ahaṃ mūrkho dvitīyaḥ paśu-bandhakaḥ |tato rājā ca…
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A bit on being thankful…

Today, I just feel thankful. It was a very productive day, and by the time it was 6, I had completed whatever I had set…
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Far from the madding crowd…

Far from the madding crowd… from the atmosphere of pretentious interaction of cold handshakes and superficial exchanges… from places that are too boring to frequent…
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Boyz to men…

Today we twinned, Rohaamrta and me. In red. He seemed content, and well, so was I! Children grow up so fast that you scramble to…
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Time to calm down…

Spoke with a lot of people today and there is a consensus – while all were (of course) disappointed at the outcome of the finals…
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I have to cancel Starzplay…

This time, cricket is the winner:( As I write this, the Indian team is at the brink of defeat. An unbeaten streak throughout the World…
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A different version of the Ramayanam…

७. नि –निरीक्ष्य स मुहूर्तं तु ददर्श भरतो गुरुम् |उटजे राममासीनं जटामण्डलधारिणम् || २-९९-२५ – अयोध्याकाण्डम् Bharata (after sighting the hermitage of Rama), spent a…
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Sometimes, too much talent is a bane…

मत्स्यमण्डूककथा The story of the fish and the frog In a lake, not so far away from here, lived two fish named ShataBuddhi (the one with a…
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Yama and sisters…

पूषन्नेकर्षे यम सूर्य प्राजापत्य व्यूह रश्मीन्समूह ।तेजः यत्ते रूपं कल्याणतमं तत्ते पश्यामि योऽसावसौ पुरुषः सोऽहमस्मि ॥ १६ ॥ pūṣannekarṣe yama sūrya prājāpatya vyūha raśmīnsamūha |tejaḥ…
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Do you underestimate yourself?

We underestimate our own capabilities. And by we, I mean everyone. Without exception. I have seen this in various fields – be it martial arts, studies…
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Atithi Devo Bhava…

शिरीषपुष्पमाघ्राणात् म्लानं संजायते यथा ।तथाऽतिथीनां वदनं स्याद् गृहस्थे पराङ्‌मुखे ॥ The delicate blossom of the anicham flower withers when merely smelled; an unwelcome look is…
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Diwali…Ayodhya wali!

On the eve of Diwali, the temple city, which is located on the bank of the Saryu River, also broke its own world record. About…
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Shubh Deepavali!

ये हि संस्पर्शजा भोगा दु:खयोनय एव ते |आद्यन्तवन्त: कौन्तेय न तेषु रमते बुध: || 22|| ye hi sansparśha-jā bhogā duḥkha-yonaya eva teādyantavantaḥ kaunteya na teṣhu…
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The symbolism of Deepavali…

Deepawali is known as the Festival of lights. Arguably the most well-known festival from India, Deepawali (or Diwali) is celebrated around the world, even in the…
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Surprise Surprise!

Ah so a surprise today. The team went and got me a delicious red velvet cake, followed by a scrumptious meal of momos, noodles and…
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Stand up for yourself…

There are a hundred exercises to choose from when you go to a gym. Well, it isn’t even called a gym anymore. Its called a…
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And then he turned 46…

46 is the double of 23. 23 is a prime number. And one is at one’s prime at 23. Not intellectually or by way of…
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Just for you…

As I lie back and watch the blue sky Clouds, shapes, a bit of sun peeping from around the corner… A beautiful sight, a moment…
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Of Zen…

Zen stories. They bring back fond memories. Of times I spent with my master – sometimes in larger groups, other times just with the uchideshis…
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A good night’s sleep…

The one thing that you cannot buy, is a good night’s sleep. And at the end of it all, it is sleep that matters. Not…
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Last night, I saw the fastest 2 hour 50 minute movie that I have even seen. From the intro titles, till the final credits, Jawan…
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Hara Hara Mahadev!

अवन्तिकायां विहितावतारंमुक्तिप्रदानाय च सज्जनानाम् ।अकालमृत्योः परिरक्षणार्थंवन्दे महाकालमहं सुरेशम् avantikāyāṃ vihitāvatāraṃmuktipradānāya ca sajjanānām ;akālamṛtyoḥ parirakṣaṇārthaṃvande mahākālamahaṃ sureśam द्वादशलिङ्गस्तोत्रम् dvādaśaliṅgastotramShiva Dwadasha Jyotirlinga Stotram This is an extract from…
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And here comes Deepavali…

Right. The biggest festival of them all is upon us. Deepavali (as I like to call it) signifies much more than what most of us…
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A weekend well spent…

So the whole team took off to Ras Al Khaimah for the weekend – spouses, family et al. We had a small awards ceremony, and…
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Bite sized versions for bite sized attention spans…

आदौ राम तपोवनादि गमनं हत्वा मृगं कांचनं । वैदेही हरणं जटायु मरणं सुग्रीव सम्भाषणं ॥ वाली निर्ग्रहणं समुद्र तरणं लंकापुरी दाहनं । पश्चात रावण कुम्बकर्ण हननं…
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Of awards, and AWARDS…

We are having our annual team get together/retreat tomorrow. Part of the festivities – well, actually the only thing on the agenda besides chilling out…
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Granting blessings…

Suratha said “Oh revered Rishi! we are grieving. I lost my kingdom, yet I feel attached to everything that is associated with it. My elephant,…
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How to win over Āvarana…

They fought in the skies, toe to toe, until the Devi lifted him, whirled him around and threw him to the ground. As he tried…
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Śumba Niśumba…

The Devi then struck Raktabīja with her spear, and the fierce Kālī drank up all his blood before it could spill to the ground. Raktabīja…
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Seeing Chanda and Munda vanquished, the remaining asura army panicked and fled in all directions. And Kāli, holding the heads of Chanda and Munda in…
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Welcome Chamunda…

The Devi smiled again. “Yes, it is true. They are very strong. But what can I do since I took that ill-considered vow, even though…
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But why wait?

Well, we have understood how to overcome tamas, and rajas. Next is sattva. But wait – sattva is a good guna, so why should we…
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The end of Vikshepa…

Seeing Mahishasura fall, the entire legions of the asura armies perished. The devas celebrated and showered flowers on Devi Chandika, and sang praises in her…
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Mahishasura mardini!

The armies of the devas were mesmerised. They chanted in unison as their spirits rose after witnessing this huge spectacle. From his palace, Mahishasura wondered…
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Tamas and Rajas…

Read the previous part here… “This is because of the boon that Devi granted these asuras”, thought Sri Vishnu as he continued to battle them. “Only…
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Madhu, Kaitaba and Sri Vishnu…

Suratha said “Oh revered Rishi! we are grieving. I lost my kingdom, yet I feel attached to everything that is associated with it. My elephant,…
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And how do you fast?

Navratri begins tomorrow. Some people asked me about the fasting – how long, what can be eaten, when and how to break it etc. Many…
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Preparing for the nine-day fast…

Once you observe Ekādashi vratā regularly, Navrātri is a breeze. Conditioning one’s body to work on reduced inputs helps in times of need, but if…
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How do I express myself?

A few months back, of my team members told me that she wants to write. Aha! She was interested in taking up content writing, and…
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Lets watch…

Conflicts starting across the world… People against each other – choosing sides… I am right and he is wrong..this is mine and that is not…
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Become a child…again.

Today is Ekādashi. Vratā, but work continues, and today was a busier day than usual. Client calls, desk work, interviews, and I took my last…
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On conflict and peace…

It’s good to be reminded of somethings sometimes. So today, as you wake up to birds chirping outside, and as you step into the washroom…
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Are you stressed?

Stress is not inborn nor is it inherited it does not even exist in nature except in your own mind… Yes that same monkey mind…
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Sample the Panchatantra…

उदीरितोऽर्थःपशुनापिगृहतेहयाश्चनागाश्चवहन्तिचोदिताः।अनुक्तम्अप्य्ऊहतिपण्डितोजनःपरेङ्गित–ज्ञान–फ्जलाहिबुद्धयः॥४४॥ udīrito ‘rthaḥ paśunāpi gṛhate hayāś ca nāgāś ca vahanti coditāḥ |anuktam apy ūhati paṇḍito janaḥ pareṅgita-jñāna-phjalā hi buddhayaḥ || 44 || Even animals can sort of…
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Now is the best time…

यदपि स्यादसमये यातो वनमसाविति ।अकालो नास्ति धर्मस्य जीविते चञ्चले सति ॥ yadapi syādasamaye yāto vanamasāviti |akālo nāsti dharmasya jīvite cañcale sati|| Buddhacarita 6.21, by Aśvaghoṣa Though…
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Ability, or attitude?

What matters more? The ability to learn, or the attitude towards learning? Some might argue that we don’t have the ability to learn anything and…
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How recent is recent?

I was watching a series earlier this year…its a story set in 2005. What comes to your mind when you think of 2005? Surely does…
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Of cavemen and speaking in public…

“In fact, public speaking anxiety may be primal and quintessentially human, not limited to those of us born with a high-reactive nervous system. One theory,…
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Visarjan – Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar Ya!

श्री गणेश चतुर्थी – Ganesh Chaturthi Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi (Vināyaka Chaturthī) or Vinayaka Chavithi (Vināyaka Chavithī) is a Hindu festival celebrating the birth of Ganesha.…
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A meeting a day, keeps the eating away…

Meetings, meetings, meetings. Some are very productive, others a total waste of time. Some serendipitous, some scheduled, others impromptu. Internal meetings, external meetings. Face to…
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Intermittent slowing…

Today is Ekādashi – the 11th day of a fortnight in a lunar month, as per the Hindu calendar. The West is just waking up…
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Welcome, creator economy!

Tomorrow is a creator’s economy. There are no barriers to entry. A one-man army can actually create a disproportionate impact with content creation and effective…
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Don’t disrupt…construct!

Every quarter, I sit through a few presentations of people who want to change the world. A very few of them, if any, end up…
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Five essential commandments…

1. Question every requirement. Each should come with the name of the person who made it. You should never accept that a requirement came from…
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The origin of Sanskrit grammar…

There is an interesting story as to how Panini, the originator of Sanskrit grammar, received knowledge from Shiva. He was supposed to be the dullest…
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Let’s see the Ganapati in others:)

गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहेकविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम् ।ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पतआ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम् ॥ Gannaanaam Tvaa Ganna-Patim HavaamaheKavim Kaviinaam-Upama-Shravastamam |Jyessttha-Raajam Brahmannaam BrahmannaspataAa Nah Shrnnvan-Uutibhih Siida Saadanam || Among the Ganas (Group of Prayers), to you who is the Ganapati (Deva of Prayers), we offer this…
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Shri Ganeshaya Namah!

ॐ गणानां त्वा गणपतिं हवामहेकविं कवीनामुपमश्रवस्तमम् ।ज्येष्ठराजं ब्रह्मणां ब्रह्मणस्पतआ नः शृण्वन्नूतिभिः सीद सादनम् ॥ ॐ महागणाधिपतये नमः ॥ Gannaanaam Tvaa Ganna-Patim HavaamaheKavim Kaviinaam-Upama-Shravastamam |Jyessttha-Raajam Brahmannaam BrahmannaspataAa Nah Shrnnvan-Uutibhih Siida Saadanam || Rig Veda 2.23.1 Om, O Ganapati, To You Who are the Lord of…
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73 and counting…

Well, I don’t have to take you through the journey of the man – most of you already know it, or at least some parts…
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Bharat, that is India…

Bharat that is India. Or India, that is Bharat. Kiran Bedi: Did we make a mistake in converting our name from Bharat to India? Sadhguru:…
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How deep is your clean?

Is deep cleaning done by maids on steroids? That’s the question I shot back when I was told that this process would take less than…
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Oh the drama of the senses…

manaḥ-ṣaṣṭhānīndriyāṇi – the mind is the sixth sense – says the Bhagavad Gita. Swami Sivananda said that ‘the Indriyas are the prolongation of the mind’. Our mind…
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Every breath you take…not the song…

“In breathing, as in everything in life, the numbers are staggering—indeed fantastical. Every time you breathe, you exhale some 25 sextillion (that’s 2.5 x 1022) molecules…
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Of 15s and electronic q-tips…

The iPhone 15 is around the corner, and so are the done-to-death “sell my kidney” jokes. Do I upgrade? Well, err…ummm….anyone looking for a Gold…
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Of massy and classy…

What exactly is mass? As in ‘massy cinema’ – a term that has got critical err…mass of late. I get the point of escapism in…
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On Krishna Janmashtami…

Krishna Janmashtami, also known simply as Janmashtami or Gokulashtami, is an annual Hindu festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna, the eighth avatar of Vishnu.It is observed according…
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Oh Kishan mere…happy birthday!

Krishna, Kishan, Madhav, Banke Bihari, Gopala, Kanhaiya, Ranchhod, Parthasarathy, Ishvara…the many names and the many facets of the personality of the most loved God in…
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Nara and Narayana…

Narayana and Nara are supposed to have taken form as Sri Krishna and Arjuna. They were almost like twins, working together living together, eating together, one being in…
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Paint me in your love:)

The devotee’s love for Krishna cannot be expressed in words – but some do come close. The kiran of Sri Krishna is full of celebration,…
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The power of Quiet…

“Now that you’re an adult, you might still feel a pang of guilt when you decline a dinner invitation in favor of a good book.…
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Of dreams and cognition…

बन्धुउद्धरेदात्मनात्मानं नात्मानमवसादयेत् ।आत्मैव ह्यात्मनो बन्धुरात्मैव रिपुरात्मन: ॥ ५ ॥ बन्धुरात्मात्मनस्तस्य येनात्मैवात्मना जित: ।अनात्मनस्तु शत्रुत्वे वर्तेतात्मैव शत्रुवत् ॥ ६ ॥ uddhared ātmanātmānaṁnātmānam avasādayetātmaiva hy ātmano bandhurātmaiva…
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The Budo way…

A lot is spoken of the word “Budo”. Budō is a compound of the root bu (武:ぶ), meaning “war” or “martial”; and dō (道:どう; dào in Chinese), meaning “path” or “way.…
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Of Epishura and Li Ziqi…

Two bits of information that may catch your attention today. One is about Epishura, and the second was about Li Ziqi. Now, chances are that…
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Yog is a way of life, that combines asanas (postures) and pranayama ( breathing), mudras (gestures) and bandhas (body locks)… Breathing is an essential part of…
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Ahem, good to be the first!

We did it:) The first nation in the world to land at the South Pole of the moon! यशोधिगन्तुं सुखलिप्सया वा मनुष्यसंख्यामतिवर्तितुं वा |  निरुत्सकानामभियोगभाजां समुत्सुके…
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The path to learning…

आदौ नित्यानित्यवस्तुविवेकः परिगम्यते । इहामुत्रफलभोगविरागस्तदनन्तरम्शमादिषट्कसम्पत्तिर्मुमुक्षुत्वमिति स्फुटम् ॥ १९ ॥ ādau nityānityavastuvivekaḥ parigamyate | ihāmutraphalabhogavirāgastadanantaramśamādiṣaṭkasampattirmumukṣutvamiti sphuṭam  from Vivekacūḍāmaṇi, written by Jagadguru Adi Śaṅkarācārya First is enumerated discrimination between the…
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Of aims and best laid plans…

Life is a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get… Forrest Gump “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans…
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Drinking food and chewing water…

आहार  शुद्धौ   सत्त्व  शुद्धिः सत्त्व शुद्धौ  ध्रुवा स्मृतिः     स्मृति लम्भे  सर्व ग्रन्थीनांविप्र  मोक्षः ||  āhāra-śuddhau sattva-śuddhiḥ sattva-śuddhau dhruvāsmṛtiḥ smṛtilambhe sarva-granthīnām vipramokṣaḥ If one…
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Of weddings and mice…

There was a beautiful hermitage on the bank of river Gangā, where a group of hermits lived in peace. The hermits were disciples of a…
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To kill or not to kill…

Should we as a society, support the death penalty? More importantly, is it right? This seemingly innocent question can at first instance, be answered in a…
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A miracle of sorts…

Bharata, or India, is not short of a miracle in itself. While Bharatvarsha has existed for thousands of years, it has seldom functioned as a…
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A few pages that I liked…

The reading habit is fast dying…its decline hastened by, among other things, our decreasing attention spans (thank you Social Media) and availability of lesser alternatives…
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The Panchatantra on dealing with enemies…

“According to Manusmiriti, there are six policies of dealing with such an issue – Sandhi (peace treaty), Vigraha (war), Yaana (preparation for war), Asana (neutrality), Samsraya (forming alliances) and Dvaidhibhava (double-dealing or pretending to be friendly). So…
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On thirst and wants…

भोगा न भुक्ता वयमेव भुक्ताः, तपो न तप्तं वयमेव तप्ताः । कालो न यातो वयमेव याताः तृष्णा न जीर्णा वयमेव जीर्णाः ॥ bhogā na bhuktā  vayameva…
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Of machines and consciousness…

Physics describes patterns in spacetime that correspond to particles moving around. If the particle arrangements obey certain principles, they give rise to emergent phenomena that…
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The mudras of knowledge…

The Bihar School of Yoga elaborates on the spiritual aspects of the jñāna and chin mudras. Jñāna means wisdom or knowledge, and jñāna mudra is a gesture of intuitive knowledge. Chin,…
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Of rishis seven…

Those who are familiar with financial planning know the importance of diversification of assets – allocating monies to different asset classes (property, mutual funds, stocks,…
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Slow down…

The past decade has been one of growth. Very good growth. Most of us think that everything has to keep going in just one direction…
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And then an opportunity…

Read the previous part here. Aha. So I wrote this yesterday, and opportunity presented itself today. Actually, I wouldn’t call it a welcome opportunity, but well,…
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A few thoughts on regimen…

We have all been there isn’t it? The big resolve to do something, to start anew. An exercise regime, a diet, a new productivity mantra,…
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The law of Ghuna…

Damanaka replied -“Even in this difficult situation, my intelligence is intact… I will break their friendship. It is said… एकं हन्यान् न वा हन्याद् इषुः…
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Of ones and tens…

Today is Ekādashi – the 11th day of a fortnight in a lunar month, as per the Hindu calendar. Since there are two fortnights, Ekādashi…
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Who am I?

As with most people who are well-raised, well-educated and financially secure, Dr. Tokai only thought of himself… Men without Women, Haruki Murakami Who am I?…
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Of lice and bugs…

मन्दविसर्पिणीमत्कुणकथा The Story of the slow-moving louse and the bug In a palace not so far away from here, was a beautiful bedroom, where the…
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Of octopuses and bubbles…

Anyone who has been through a toddler knows the importance of bubbles in their lives. They demand it at will, and the popping of these…
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The four levels of closeness…

The Tamil word ‘anbu’ doesn’t translate well into English. Love is a small word for a feeling that describes the melting of a heart in the…
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Of being the best in class…

विभूति: (vibhutih)- mighty, powerful, great power आदित्यानामहं विष्णुर्ज्योतिषां रविरंश‍ुमान् ।मरीचिर्मरुतामस्मि नक्षत्राणामहं शशी ॥ २१ ॥ ādityānām ahaṁ viṣṇurjyotiṣāṁ ravir aṁśumānmarīcir marutām asminakṣatrāṇām ahaṁ śaśī Of the…
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Of dolls three…

Today, let me tell you a story. The great emperor Kṛṣṇadevarāya (Krishnadevaraya) had a lot of wise ministers in his court. The wisest of them…
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Of ashes and lives…

On the banks of the river Yamunā, lies a place named Brahmasthala (the abode of Brahmins). There lived a Brahmin named Agnisvāmin (the lord of Agni), and he had…
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On food and mindfulness…

आहार  शुद्धौ   सत्त्व  शुद्धिः सत्त्व शुद्धौ  ध्रुवा स्मृतिः     स्मृति लम्भे   सर्व ग्रन्थीनांविप्र  मोक्षः ||  āhāra-śuddhau sattva-śuddhiḥ sattva-śuddhau dhruvāsmṛtiḥ smṛtilambhe sarva-granthīnām vipramokṣaḥ If…
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Mission possible…again

I was never a hardcore Mission Impossible fan, but I always liked these movies. The franchise grew on me and soon enough, it became a…
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Chandrayaan 3

The third mission. 45 days to go. If successful, the fourth only country to land on the moon. Yes, I am excited! Those who know…
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Hiring and then some…

So we are on a hiring mini-spree. Back to interviews, shortlisting and final rounds. Meeting new people. Learning new things. All in the hope that…
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Sweet Kaaram life…

By the way, we are already in the second half of the year. Wasn’t it the first day of 2023 just a few days back?…
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Of collections and hearts…

Collectibles. We all have them – some big, some small. A treasure trove of memories that we keep around us to remind us of good…
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Oh, the stress of prosperity!

Life, in most ways, has vastly improved for all of us. Humankind currently enjoys a much better standard of living than it has ever had.…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 29

Sri Rama made Vibhishana the King of Lanka. Vibhishana wanted Sri Rama to take rest so that He could leave for Ayodhya, next day. But as Bharata is taking severe austerities and waiting for…
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Not all teachers are gurus…

We may remember Teachers Day as the day when we decorated the blackboard (or green board, as was in our case), and wished our teachers…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 28

At Rama’s bidding Hanuman entered Lanka after getting Vibhishana’s permission and reported Rama’s success to Sita. Sita was stunned by the joyful news and remained silent. “Mother, why do you not speak…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 27

Indrajit went to battle again. With his magic he became invisible and rained arrows on the vanaras. He tormented his opponents and tried to frighten Lakshmana. In the…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 26

Kumbhakarna sallied forth into the battlefield. The vanaras were terrified when they saw the huge monstrous form advancing towards them. The mighty rakshasa killed hundreds of vanaras and spread panic in their…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 24

The great war began badly for the rakshasas. Their chieftains met with many ill omens on the way to the battlefield and few returned. Enraged at…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 24

Millions of vanaras were at work. They brought huge boulders from the hills and tall trees from the forests. Skilful workers laid them side-by-side and built a…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 23

Meanwhile many things were happening in Lanka. Ravana was disturbed by the havoc wrought by a single vanara. The rakshasas urged Ravana to raise a. huge army and rout Rama and his vanara hordes. Vibhishana,…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 22

Back among his own kind, Hanuman had a gripping story to tell. The vanaras were jubilant that the mission had succeeded. Hanuman gave Rama an account of all that had happened…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 21

Hanuman heard the two incidents narrated by Sita with rapt attention, so that he might repeat them verbatim to Rama and so that, on hearing them, Rama would not have…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 20

Maruthi of matchless intellect, climbed upon a lofty simsupa tree that was nearby and hid behind its leaves. Expecting the appearance of Sita from any quarter he…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 19

In Lanka, Hanuman began his search examining every mansion and scanning every nook and corner. He entered the palace of Ravana and saw therein the Pushpaka Vimana, the magic vimana of Kubera, which…
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What is Yoga…again:)

Every International Yoga Day, I write about yoga. And a whole year passes so fast… Here is what I wrote last year, with a few…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 17

All the vanaras helped in the search for Sita. One of the groups which went south learnt from Sampathi, the brother of Jatayu, that Sita was a prisoner of…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 16

Vali was a very powerful warrior and possessed many boons against defeat and failure. Sugriva doubted if Rama, was a match for Vali. Rama showed his prowess by performing…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 15

Near Pampa, the princes met a wise monkey called Hanuman who was the minister to Sugriva. Hanuman immediately took a liking for the princes and became a faithful friend…
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Illustrated Ramayana – Part 14

Meanwhile in Dandakarnya Rama, returning exhausted from the deer-hunt, met Lakshmana on the way. Rama rebuked his brother for having left Sita alone in the cottage and feared that she…
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