धर्म से ही धन, सुख तथा सब कुछ प्राप्त होता है । इस संसार में धर्म ही सार वस्तु है ।
धर्मात् from righteous duty, अर्थः wealth, प्रभवति will arise, धर्मात् from righteousness, सुखम् happiness, प्रभवते will result, धर्मेण by righteous ways, सर्वम् everything, लभते is attained, इदं जगत् this world, धर्मसारम् the essence is dharma.
Righteousness brings wealth. Wealth brings happiness. Righteousness brings everything. In fact, the essence of the world is righteousness.
सत्य –सत्यमेवेश्वरोलोकेसत्येधर्मःसदाश्रितः।सत्यमूलनिसर्वाणिसत्यान्नास्तिपरंपदम्॥
सत्य ही संसार में ईश्वर है; धर्म भी सत्य के ही आश्रित है; सत्य ही समस्त भव – विभव का मूल है; सत्य से बढ़कर और कुछ नहीं है ।
लोके in this world, सत्यमेव truth only, ईश्वरः is God, पद्मा godess of wealth, सदा always, सत्यम् in truth, आश्रिता seeks refuge, सर्वाणि all beings, सत्यमूलानि truth as basis, सत्यात् more than truth, परम् supreme ,पदम् higher state, नास्ति there is nothing.
Truth is God. The goddess of wealth always takes refuge in truth. Truth is the root of everything. It is supreme and there is nothing above it.
उत्साह बड़ा बलवान होता है; उत्साह से बढ़कर कोई बल नहीं है । उत्साही पुरुष के लिए संसार में कुछ भी दुर्लभ नहीं है ।
आर्य O revered Sire, उत्साहः effort, बलवान् is strength, उत्साहात् enterprise, परम् supreme, बलम् strength, नास्ति is not there, सोत्साहस्य for one who is enthused, लोकेऽस्मिन् in the worlds, किञ्चिदपि nothing, दुर्लभम् to impossible.
‘Hard work is supreme strength. Nothing is difficult in this world for one who is up and doing.
क्रोध की दशा में मनुष्य को कहने और न कहने योग्य बातों का विवेक नहीं रहता । क्रुद्ध मनुष्य कुछ भी कह सकता है और कुछ भी बक सकता है । उसके लिए कुछ भी अकार्य और अवाच्य नहीं है ।
प्रकुपितः one who is angry, कर्हिचित् at any time, वाच्यावाच्यम् a word worthy of speaking or not, न विजानाति knows not, क्रुद्धस्य angry man’s, अकार्यम् misdeed, न अस्ति exists not, अवाच्यम् unutterable, क्वचित् anywhere, न विद्यते exists not.
‘An angry person knows not what he should utter and what he should not. No act appears wrong for an angry man. Nothing is unutterable for him at any time, anywhere.
यदाचरितकल्याणि ! शुभंवायदिवाऽशुभम्।तदेवलभतेभद्रे! कर्त्ताकर्मजमात्मनः॥
मनुष्य जैसा भी अच्छा या बुरा कर्म करता है, उसे वैसा ही फल मिलता है । कर्त्ता को अपने कर्म का फल अवश्य भोगना पड़ता है ।
कल्याणि O auspicious lady, भद्रे o gentle lady, कर्ता the agent of an act, शुभं वा good or, यदि वा or if, अशुभम् evil, यत् whichever, आचरति (कुरुते) performs, आत्मनः his, कर्मजम् result of action, तदेव the same only, लभते will attain.
O gentle auspicious lady a man has to reap the fruit of his action, good or evil.
परजनः others, गुणवान्वा virtuous, स्वजनः own people, निर्गुणोपिवा not virtuous also, निर्गुणः not virtuous, स्वजनः own people, श्रेयान् welfare, यः that which, परः others, सः he, परएवहि even if he
“Even if others are virtuous and your own people are not virtuous also one should seek the refuge of one’s own people. Strangers are always strangers.”