श्रीविष्णुशर्मप्रणीतं पञ्चतन्त्रं
Sri Vishnusharma Praneetam Panchatantram
द्वितीयं तन्त्रं
The second tantra
How to win friends
ब्रह्मा रुद्रः कुमारो हरिवरुणयमा वह्निरिन्द्रः कुबेर-श्चन्द्रादित्यौ सरस्वत्युदधियुगनगा वायुरुर्वी भुजङ्गाःसिद्धा नद्योश्विनौ श्रीर्दितिरदितिसुता मातरश्चण्डिकाद्याःवेदास्तीर्थानि यज्ञा गणवसुमुनयः पान्तु नित्यं ग्रहाश्च [1]
मनवे वाचस्पतये शुक्राय पराशराय ससुतायचाणक्याय च विदुषे नमोsस्तु नयशास्त्रकर्त्रभ्यः [2]
सकलार्थशास्त्रसारं जगति समालोक्य विष्णुशर्मेदंतन्त्रैः पञ्चभिरेतच्चकार सुमनोहरं शास्त्रं [3]
Let Brahma, Rudra, Kumāra, Hari, Varuna, Yama, Agni, Indra, Kubera,Chandra, Aaditya, Sarasvati, oceans, Yugas, mountains, Vāyu, Earth, serpents, Siddhas, rivers, Ashvinis, Shree, Diti, Aditi’s sons, Mother Goddesses,Vedas, pilgrimage centres, sacrifices, Shiva-Ganas, Vasus, sadhus, and planets protect us always. [1]
Salutations to Manu, Vāchaspati, Shukra, Parāshara and his son Vyāsa,Chānakya, the creators of the treatises on morality. [2]
Vishnu Sharma has studied the entire collection of texts on strategies in this world and has created this treatise containing five sections, all of which are pleasant to read and easy to understand. [3]
August 17, 2020
असाधना अपि प्राज्ञा बुद्धिमनोत् बहु-श्रुताः ।साधयन्त्य् आशु कार्याणि काकाखु-मृग-कूर्मवत् ॥ १ ॥ asādhanā api prājñā buddhimanot bahu-śrutāḥ |sādhayanty āśu kāryāṇi kākākhu-mṛga-kūrmavat || 1 || The wise and…
August 18, 2020
Read the previous part here… The Sun is red at the time of rising, and red at the time of setting too. Likewise, great men…
August 19, 2020
Read the previous part here… “And this is why, as a consequence of my greed, we all got caught in this web. I need your…
August 20, 2020
Read the previous part here… And having thought this, LaghuPatanaka climbed down from the tree and stood near the entrance of the fortress where Hiranyaka…
August 21, 2020
Read the previous part here… And so, to make friends with me, at least come out once and meet me. I feel what I ask…
August 23, 2020
Read the previous part here… Hearing Hiranyaka’s arguments, Laghpatanaka was at a loss of words. He didn’t know how to give an answer to these…
August 24, 2020
Read the previous part here… And so Hiranyaka and LaghuPatanaka become as inseparable as the nail and the finger. Forget not stepping out of his…
August 25, 2020
Read the previous part here… LaghuPatanaka set Hiranyaka down at the side of the lake, climbed onto a branch, and yelled out “Hey Mantharaka! Look,…
August 26, 2020
Read the previous part here… One day TaamraChooda decided to catch me and beat me up. He bought an old bamboo stick, and kept hitting…
August 27, 2020
Read the previous part here… When the mother tried to exchange the husked sesame seeds for the unhusked ones, she surely had a good reason.…
August 28, 2020
Read the previous part here… In what place, or time, or age, or manner, one performs his actions, in that place, at that time, at…
August 29, 2020
Read the previous part here… And so, frightened at the turn of events, I decided to take my followers on a path different from my…
August 30, 2020
Read the previous part here… Dejected, I slowly walked back home, and reached early in the morning. As I was entering what was left of…
August 31, 2020
Read the previous part here… After a while, a second person questioned him, and Bhagyadatta had the same response. In fact, whenever anyone asked him…
September 1, 2020
Read the previous part here… The guard had a daughter called Vinayavatee (the one who is disciplined). She was a pretty young girl, and was…
September 2, 2020
Read the previous part here… “And so, after experiencing all the good and the bad that the world had to offer, I felt disillusioned with…
September 3, 2020
Read the previous part here… What can be burdensome for an able man? What task is far-fetched for one who is hard-working? What place is…
September 4, 2020
Read the previous part here… “Your karma and destiny will follow you wherever you go. And so it is better that you stay here and…
September 5, 2020
Read the previous part here… Somalika made a rope of Kusha grass, tied one end of it around his neck, and the other end around…
September 6, 2020
Read the previous part here… Just like a small steam gets filled up easily, and a rats hand gets filled up with a little grain,…
September 7, 2020
Read the previous part here… “If you want to hoard money and not spend it, I will make you like GuptaDhana. If you think it…
September 8, 2020
Read the previous part here… “There is no greater wealth than happiness”, explained Mantharaka. What follows are some points of wisdom on satisfaction and happiness,…
September 9, 2020
Read the previous part here… As they were deeply engrossed in conversation, a deer named Chitraanga (the one with a beautiful spotted body) came running…
September 10, 2020
Read the previous part here… After waiting for more than two hours, Mantharaka told LaghuPatanaka “My dear friend, Hiranyaka and me are too slow and…
September 11, 2020
Read the previous part here… The hunter arrived at the scene as Mantharaka was speaking. He strung an arrow on his bow, pulled the bowstring…