The pigeon and the hunter…

The story of the pigeon and the hunter

This is one of the more heart-breaking stories of the Panchatantra, but one that is so beautiful that it flows into your soul and warms it up with love and hope. I have kept it in shloka form, so that it can read like a poem, and felt like one too. Try to read the sanskrit version as well (in the English transliteration, if you cannot read Devanagiri), and then the meaning. I hope you like it as much as I do…

कश्चिद् क्षुद्र-समाचारः प्राणिनां काल-सन्निभः ।
विचचार महारण्ये घोरः शकुनि-लुब्धकः ॥ १३५ ॥

kaścid kṣudra-samācāraḥ prāṇināṃ kāla-sannibhaḥ |
vicacāra mahāraṇye ghoraḥ śakuni-lubdhakaḥ || 135 ||

There once lived a cruel hunter in a huge forest. He was mean and his very presence spelt death to all birds and animals.

नैव कश्चित् सुहृत् तस्य न सम्बन्धी न बान्धवः ।
स तैः सर्वैः परित्यक्तस् तेन रौद्रेण कर्मणा ॥ १३६ ॥

naiva kaścit suhṛt tasya na sambandhī na bāndhavaḥ |
sa taiḥ sarvaiḥ parityaktas tena raudreṇa karmaṇā || 136 ||

He had no friends, nor relatives, nor anyone to call his own. They all kept away from him, due to his cruel character and mean deeds.

It is said…

ये नृशंसा दुरात्मनः प्राणिनां प्राण-नाशकाः ।
उद्वेजनीया भूतानां व्याला इव भवन्ति ते ॥ १३७ ॥

ye nṛśaṃsā durātmanaḥ prāṇināṃ prāṇa-nāśakāḥ |
udvejanīyā bhūtānāṃ vyālā iva bhavanti te || 137 ||

Wicked and cruel men, who ruthlessly hunt innocent animals and create fear in the hearts of all living beings, are like wild animals themselves.

ये नृशंसा दुरात्मनः प्राणिनां प्राण-नाशकाः ।
उद्वेजनीया भूतानां व्याला इव भवन्ति ते ॥ १३७ ॥

sa pañjarakam ādāya pāśaṃ ca laguḍaṃ tathā |
nityam eva vanaṃ yāti sarva-prāṇi-vihiṃsakaḥ || 138 ||

That heartless hunter used to walk into the forest daily, a cage, a snare and a club in hand, searching for animals to hunt and kill.

अन्येद्युर् भ्रमतस् तस्य वने कापि कपोतिका ।
जाता हस्त-गता तां स प्राक्षिपत् पञ्ज्चरान्तरे ॥ १३९ ॥

anyedyur bhramatas tasya vane kāpi kapotikā |
jātā hasta-gatā tāṃ sa prākṣipat pañjcarāntare || 139 ||

One day he came across a young female pigeon…he caught her, and ruthlessly threw her into his cage.

अथ कृष्णा दिश: सर्वा वनस्थस्याभवन् घनैः।
वातवृष्टिश्च महती क्षयकाल इवाभवत् ॥ १४१ ॥

atha krishnā dishah sarvā vanasthasyābhavan ghanaihi |
vātavrishtishcha makati kshayakāla evābhavat || 139 ||

He was still in the forest with dark clouds filled the skies, and it started pouring heavily. It became very dark, like the world was about to end.

ततः स त्रस्त-हृदयः कम्पमानो मुहुर् मुहुः ।
अन्वेषयन् परित्राणम् आससाद वनस्पतिम् ॥ १४१ ॥

tataḥ sa trasta-hṛdayaḥ kampamāno muhur muhuḥ |
anveṣayan paritrāṇam āsasāda vanaspatim || 141 ||

The hunter was frightened. Shivering in the cold rain, he searched frantically for shelter and at last, reached a huge tree.

मुहूर्तं पश्यते यावद् वियद् विमल-तारकम् ।
प्राप्य वृक्षं वदत्य् एवं यो ऽत्र तिष्ठति कश्चन ॥ १४२ ॥

तस्याहं शरणं प्राप्तः स परित्रातु माम् इति ।
शीतेन भिद्यमानं च क्षुधया गत-चेतनम् ॥ १४३ ॥

muhūrtaṃ paśyate yāvad viyad vimala-tārakam |
prāpya vṛkṣaṃ vadaty evaṃ yo ‘tra tiṣṭhati kaścana || 142 ||

tasyāhaṃ śaraṇaṃ prāptaḥ sa paritrātu mām iti |
śītena bhidyamānaṃ ca kṣudhayā gata-cetanam || 143 ||

In a while, the rain stopped and the skies cleared. The stars started to twinkle, and the hunter stood up, looked towards the sky, and prayed – “Whoever stays in this tree, I have sought shelter with him. Let him protect me. I am suffering because of the intense cold, and am fainting from hunger…”

अथ तस्य तरोः स्कन्धे कपोतः सुचिरोषितः ।
भार्या-विरहितस् तिष्ठन् विललाप सुदुःखितः ॥ १४४ ॥

atha tasya taroḥ skandhe kapotaḥ suciroṣitaḥ |
bhāryā-virahitas tiṣṭhan vilalāpa suduḥkhitaḥ || 144 ||

Meanwhile, a pigeon who had been living on a branch of that same tree was crying. His wife had been gone for long now, and he could not bear staying away from her.

वात-वर्षो महान् आसीन् न चागच्छति मे प्रिया ।
तया विरहितं ह्य् एतच् छून्यम् अद्य गृहं मम ॥ १४५ ॥

vāta-varṣo mahān āsīn na cāgacchati me priyā |
tayā virahitaṃ hy etac chūnyam adya gṛhaṃ mama || 145 ||

There is a storm outside, it is raining so heavily, and my beloved has not yet come home. I wonder where she might be…without her, this house looks so empty and desolate.

पतिव्रता पति-प्राणा पत्युः प्रिय-हिते रता ।
यस्य स्याद् ईदृशी भार्या धन्यः स पुरुषो भुवि ॥ १४६ ॥

pativratā pati-prāṇā patyuḥ priya-hite ratā |
yasya syād īdṛśī bhāryā dhanyaḥ sa puruṣo bhuvi || 146 ||

The man whose wife is devoted, whose wife loves him more than her own life, and whose wife is always concerned of his welfare..such a man is very fortunate and lucky.

न गृहं गृहम् इत्य् आहुर् गृहिणी गृहम् उच्यते ।
गृहं तु गृहिणी-हीनम् अरण्य-सदृशं मतम् ॥ १४७ ॥

na gṛhaṃ gṛham ity āhur gṛhiṇī gṛham ucyate |
gṛhaṃ tu gṛhiṇī-hīnam araṇya-sadṛśaṃ matam || 147 ||

A house is not a home…the wife makes it a home. Without the wife, the house is just a forest.

पञ्जर-स्था ततः श्रुत्वा भर्तुर् दुःखान्वितं वचः ।
कपोतिका सुसन्तुष्टा वाक्यं चेदम् अथाह सा ॥ १४८ ॥

pañjara-sthā tataḥ śrutvā bhartur duḥkhānvitaṃ vacaḥ |
kapotikā susantuṣṭā vākyaṃ cedam athāha sā || 148 ||

The pigeon who was imprisoned in the cage heard the sad words of her husband, felt a warm feeling in her heart, and said…

न सा स्त्रीत्य् अभिमन्तव्या यस्यां भर्ता न तुष्यति ।
तुष्टे भर्तरि नारीणां तुष्टाः स्युः सर्व-देवताः ॥ १४९ ॥

na sā strīty abhimantavyā yasyāṃ bhartā na tuṣyati |
tuṣṭe bhartari nārīṇāṃ tuṣṭāḥ syuḥ sarva-devatāḥ || 149 ||

What is a wife if she cannot keep her loved husband happy and content? If her husband is happy, the gods are happy as well.

मितं ददाति हि पिता मितं भ्राता मितं सुतः ।
अमितस्य हि दातारं भर्तारं का न पूजयेत् ॥ १५१ ॥

mitaṃ dadāti hi pitā mitaṃ bhrātā mitaṃ sutaḥ |
amitasya hi dātāraṃ bhartāraṃ kā na pūjayet || 151 ||

A father, a brother and a son give a little joy. But it is the husband who gives one happiness without any limits. And wives should worship such a caring husband.

She then addressed her husband, and said…

शृणुष्वावहितः कान्त यत् ते वक्ष्याम्य् अहं हितम् ।
प्राणैर् अपि त्वया नित्यं संरक्ष्यः शरणागतः ॥ १५२ ॥

śṛṇuṣvāvahitaḥ kānta yat te vakṣyāmy ahaṃ hitam |
prāṇair api tvayā nityaṃ saṃrakṣyaḥ śaraṇāgataḥ || 152 ||

“Oh my love! Listen to me…I will tell you something that is for the good of us all. This person, who has sought shelter from you – please protect him even at the cost of your own life.

एष शाकुनिकः शेते तवावासं समाश्रितः ।
शीतार्तश् च क्षुधार्तश् च पूजाम् अस्मै समाचर ॥ १५३ ॥

eṣa śākunikaḥ śete tavāvāsaṃ samāśritaḥ |
śītārtaś ca kṣudhārtaś ca pūjām asmai samācara || 153 ||

This hunter has taken shelter under this tree, in your home. He is feeling very cold and has fainted due to hunger. He is your guest. Please take care of him.

It has been heard that…

यः सायम् अतिथिं प्राप्तं यथा-शक्ति न पूजयेत् ।
तस्यासौ दुष्कृतं दत्त्वा सुकृतं चापकर्षति ॥ १५४ ॥

yaḥ sāyam atithiṃ prāptaṃ yathā-śakti na pūjayet |
tasyāsau duṣkṛtaṃ dattvā sukṛtaṃ cāpakarṣati || 154 ||

If a host does not welcome the guest who has taken shelter with him, then the guest leaves with all the good vibes and fortunes of the house, and leaves behind all the bad vibes of the sins that he has committed.

मा चास्मै त्वं कृथा द्वैषं बद्धानेनेति मत्-प्रिया ।
स्व-कृतैर् एव बद्धाहं प्राक्तनैः कर्म-बन्धनैः ॥ १५५ ॥

mā cāsmai tvaṃ kṛthā dvaiṣaṃ baddhāneneti mat-priyā |
sva-kṛtair eva baddhāhaṃ prāktanaiḥ karma-bandhanaiḥ || 155 ||

Do not hate him thinking that he has imprisoned me. I have been bound by the results of my own karma, my own actions in the past. He is not to blame.


दारिद्र्य-रोग-दुःखानि बन्धन-व्यसनानि च ।
आत्मापराध-वृक्षस्य फलान्य् एतानि देहिनाम् ॥ १५६ ॥

dāridrya-roga-duḥkhāni bandhana-vyasanāni ca |
ātmāparādha-vṛkṣasya phalāny etāni dehinām || 156 ||

Poverty, illness, difficulties and suffering are all the fruits of the tree of our past actions. We will have to undergo them, such things cannot be avoided.

तस्मात् त्वं द्वेषम् उत्सृज्य मद्-बन्धन-समुद्भवम् ।
धर्मे मनः समाधाय पूजयैनं यथा-विधि ॥ १५७ ॥

tasmāt tvaṃ dveṣam utsṛjya mad-bandhana-samudbhavam |
dharme manaḥ samādhāya pūjayainaṃ yathā-vidhi || 157 ||

And so ignore the feeling of hate that has arisen in your heart, due to my being imprisoned, and focus on welcoming him with respect.

तस्यास् तद्-वचनं श्रुत्वा धर्म-युक्ति-समन्वितम् ।
उपगम्य ततो ऽधृष्टः कपोतः प्राह लुब्धकम् ॥ १५८ ॥

tasyās tad-vacanaṃ śrutvā dharma-yukti-samanvitam |
upagamya tato ‘dhṛṣṭaḥ kapotaḥ prāha lubdhakam || 158 ||

Hearing his wife’s words of wisdom, the pigeon regained his composure and approached the hunter, and said…

भद्र सुस्वागतं तेऽस्तु ब्रूहि किं करवाणि ते ।
सन्तापश् च न कर्तव्यः स्व-गृहे वर्तते भवान् ॥ १५९ ॥

bhadra susvāgataṃ te’stu brūhi kiṃ karavāṇi te |
santāpaś ca na kartavyaḥ sva-gṛhe vartate bhavān || 159 ||

“You are welcome to my humble abode. Please tell me what I can do for you. Do not hesitate or feel bad, think of this as your own home.

तस्य तद्-वचनं श्रुत्वा प्रत्युवाच विहङ्गमम् ।
कपोत खलु शीतं मे हिम-त्राणं विधीयताम् ॥ १६० ॥

tasya tad-vacanaṃ śrutvā pratyuvāca vihaṅgamam |
kapota khalu śītaṃ me hima-trāṇaṃ vidhīyatām || 160 ||

Hearing him speak this way, the hunter said “I am feeling very cold. Please do something to help me…”

स गत्वाङ्गारकं नीत्वा पातयामास पावकम् ।
ततः शुष्केषु पर्णेषु तम् आशु समदीपयत् ॥ १६१ ॥

सुसन्दीप्तं ततः कृत्वा तम् आह शरणागतम् ।
प्रतापयस्व विश्रब्धं स्व-गात्राण्य् अत्र निर्भयः ॥ १६२ ॥

sa gatvāṅgārakaṃ nītvā pātayāmāsa pāvakam |
tataḥ śuṣkeṣu parṇeṣu tam āśu samadīpayat || 161 ||

susandīptaṃ tataḥ kṛtvā tam āha śaraṇāgatam |
pratāpayasva viśrabdhaṃ sva-gātrāṇy atra nirbhayaḥ || 162 ||

The pigeon brought some embers and lit a fire using some dry leaves, After ensuring that the fire was well lit, he spoke to the hunter and said “please sit by this fire and warm yourself well, without any fear or hesitation.”

उद्गतेन च जीवामो वयं सर्वे वनौकसः ।
न चास्ति विभवः कश्चिन् नाशये येन ते क्षुधम् ॥ १६३ ॥

सहस्रं भरते कश्चिच् छतमन्यो दशापरः ।
मम त्व् अकृत-पुण्यस्य क्षुद्रस्यात्मापि दुर्भरः ॥ १६४ ॥

udgatena ca jīvāmo vayaṃ sarve vanaukasaḥ |
na cāsti vibhavaḥ kaścin nāśaye yena te kṣudham || 163 ||

sahasraṃ bharate kaścic chatamanyo daśāparaḥ |
mama tv akṛta-puṇyasya kṣudrasyātmāpi durbharaḥ || 164 ||

I don’t have anything that can satiate your hunger. There are those who can feed tens, hundreds and even thousands, but for those like me, who have accumulated only bad karma in the past, it is difficult to even maintain my own self.

एकस्याप्य् अतिथेर् अन्नं यः प्रदातुं न शक्तिमान् ।
तस्यानेक-परिक्लेशे गृहे किं वसतः फलम् ॥ १६५ ॥

ekasyāpy atither annaṃ yaḥ pradātuṃ na śaktimān |
tasyāneka-parikleśe gṛhe kiṃ vasataḥ phalam || 165 ||

If a host is unable to feed even a single guest who comes home, of what possible use is that house to a guest, even if it has all the comforts?

तत् तथा साधयाम्य् एतच् छरीरं दुःख-जीवितम् ।
यथा भूयो न वक्ष्यामि नास्तीत्य् अर्थि-समागमे ॥ १६६ ॥

tat tathā sādhayāmy etac charīraṃ duḥkha-jīvitam |
yathā bhūyo na vakṣyāmi nāstīty arthi-samāgame || 166 ||

And so today I will do something with this body of mine that has seen only pain, so that there is never another instance when I say “no” to a guest that has come to my door.

स निनिन्दि किलात्मानं न तु तं लुब्धकं पुनः ।
उवाच तर्पयिष्ये त्वां मुहूर्तं प्रतिपालय ॥ १६७ ॥

sa ninindi kilātmānaṃ na tu taṃ lubdhakaṃ punaḥ |
uvāca tarpayiṣye tvāṃ muhūrtaṃ pratipālaya || 167 ||

The pigeon only blamed himself for his misery, and not the hunter. He again told the hunter “Please wait for just a few moments. I will offer you food and satiate your hunger.”

एवम् उक्त्वा स धर्मात्मा प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना ।
तम् अग्निं सम्परिक्रम्य प्रविवेश स्व-वेश्मवत् ॥ १६८ ॥

evam uktvā sa dharmātmā prahṛṣṭenāntarātmanā |
tam agniṃ samparikramya praviveśa sva-veśmavat || 168 ||

Having said this, that righteous soul, with nothing but happiness in his mind, went around the fire three times, and entered it as if it was his own home.

ततस् तं लुब्धको दृष्ट्वा कृपया पीडितो भृशम् ।
कपोतम् अग्नौ पतितं वाक्यम् एतद् अभाषत ॥ १६९ ॥

tatas taṃ lubdhako dṛṣṭvā kṛpayā pīḍito bhṛśam |
kapotam agnau patitaṃ vākyam etad abhāṣata || 169 ||

The hunter saw the pigeon, fallen into the fire, and his heart broke. He was filled with compassion and sadness, and he said…

यः करोति नरः पापं न तस्यात्मा ध्रुवं प्रियः ।
आत्मना हि कृतं पापम् आत्मनैव हि भुज्यते ॥ १७० ॥

yaḥ karoti naraḥ pāpaṃ na tasyātmā dhruvaṃ priyaḥ |
ātmanā hi kṛtaṃ pāpam ātmanaiva hi bhujyate || 170 ||

He who commits a sin dislikes himself for sure. Because the consequences of sins committed by him have to borne by him alone.

If he liked himself, he would not have committed sins in the first place, thus saving himself from the consequences of his bad actions.

सो ऽहं पाप-मतिश् चैव पाप-कर्म-रतः सदा ।
पतिष्यामि महा-घोरे नरके नात्र संशयः ॥ १७१ ॥

so ‘haṃ pāpa-matiś caiva pāpa-karma-rataḥ sadā |
patiṣyāmi mahā-ghore narake nātra saṃśayaḥ || 171 ||

I am a wicked soul. I have always done wicked things and committed many sins. I will surely go to hell and suffer the consequences, there is no doubt about this.

नूनं मम नृशंसस्य प्रत्यादर्शः सुदर्शितः ।
प्रयच्छता स्व-मांसानि कपोतेन महात्मना ॥ १७२ ॥

nūnaṃ mama nṛśaṃsasya pratyādarśaḥ sudarśitaḥ |
prayacchatā sva-māṃsāni kapotena mahātmanā || 172 ||

This beautiful soul offered his own flesh and demonstrated to a wicked person like me, how one should lead an ideal life.

अद्य-प्रभृति देहं स्वं सर्व-भोग-विवर्जितम् ।
तोयं स्वल्पं यथा ग्रीष्मः शोषयिष्याम्य् अहं पुनः ॥ १७३ ॥

adya-prabhṛti dehaṃ svaṃ sarva-bhoga-vivarjitam |
toyaṃ svalpaṃ yathā grīṣmaḥ śoṣayiṣyāmy ahaṃ punaḥ || 173 ||

शीत-वातातप-सहः कृशाङ्गो मलिनस् तथा ।
उपवासैर् बहुविधैश् चरिष्ये धर्मम् उत्तमम् ॥ १७४ ॥ ततो यष्टिं शलाकां च जालकं पञ्जरं तथा ।

śīta-vātātapa-sahaḥ kṛśāṅgo malinas tathā |
upavāsair bahuvidhaiś cariṣye dharmam uttamam || 174 || tato yaṣṭiṃ śalākāṃ ca jālakaṃ pañjaraṃ tathā |

From today, I will start my penance and repent for what I have done. I will control the needs of my body and forsake pleasure like water that dries up in a shallow bowl in summer. I will bear heat, cold and extremes to starve my body and strive towards righteousness. This way, I will repent for all my sins.

And saying this, the hunter broke the stick, tore his net, and released the pigeon from the cage, and broke the cage into small pieces.

लुब्धकेन ततो मुक्ता दृष्ट्वाग्नौ पतितं पतिम् ।
कपोती विललापार्ता शोक-सन्तप्त-मानसा ॥ १७६ ॥

lubdhakena tato muktā dṛṣṭvāgnau patitaṃ patim |
kapotī vilalāpārtā śoka-santapta-mānasā || 176 ||

The freed pigeon saw her husband who had perished in the fire and cried out loud, unable to bear her grief.

न कार्यम् अद्य मे नाथ जीवितेन त्वया विना ।
दीनायाः पति-हीनायाः किं नार्या जीविते फलम् ॥ १७७ ॥

na kāryam adya me nātha jīvitena tvayā vinā |
dīnāyāḥ pati-hīnāyāḥ kiṃ nāryā jīvite phalam || 177 ||

मानो दर्पस् त्व् अहङ्कारः कुलं पूजा च बन्धुषु ।
दास-भृत्य-जनेष्व् आज्ञा वैधव्येन प्रणश्यति ॥ १७८ ॥

māno darpas tv ahaṅkāraḥ kulaṃ pūjā ca bandhuṣu |
dāsa-bhṛtya-janeṣv ājñā vaidhavyena praṇaśyati || 178 ||

My love! I cannot live in this world without you…of what use is my life now, without your love and caring? Pride, arrogance, ego, respect, all is lost without your presence in my life!

एवं विलप्य बहुशः कृपणं भृश-दुःखिता ।
पतिव्रता सुसन्दीप्तं तम् एवाग्निं विवेश सा ॥ १७९ ॥

evaṃ vilapya bahuśaḥ kṛpaṇaṃ bhṛśa-duḥkhitā |
pativratā susandīptaṃ tam evāgniṃ viveśa sā || 179 ||

And so she cried for long, and then, unable to bear the pain of losing her beloved, she too entered the same fire that had consumed her husband.

ततो दिव्याम्बर-धरा दिव्याभरण-भूषिता ।
भर्तारं सा विमानस्थं ददर्श स्वं कपोतिका ॥ १८० ॥

tato divyāmbara-dharā divyābharaṇa-bhūṣitā |
bhartāraṃ sā vimānasthaṃ dadarśa svaṃ kapotikā || 180 ||

That pigeon then saw herself wearing divine garments and divine ornaments. She also saw her husband, seated on a cloud beside her. He looked at her lovingly and said – ” You came to me, I am so happy. I could not bear your separation as well. Our love is divine, and we will be together for the rest of eternity. “

कपोत-देहः सूर्यास्ते प्रत्यहं सुखम् अन्वभूत् ।
कपोत-देहवत्सासीत् प्राक् पुण्य-प्रभवं हितम् ॥ १८३ ॥

kapota-dehaḥ sūryāste pratyahaṃ sukham anvabhūt |
kapota-dehavatsāsīt prāk puṇya-prabhavaṃ hitam || 183 ||

And so they lived in pleasure, in their own pigeon-bodies, loving each other every day, every year and every Yuga thereafter. Their union was the fruit of their good deeds and their karma, and was theirs to enjoy for eternity.

हर्षाविष्टस् ततो व्याधो विवेश च वनं धनम् ।
प्राणि-हिंसां परित्यज्य बहु-निर्वेदवान् भृशम् ॥ १८४ ॥

harṣāviṣṭas tato vyādho viveśa ca vanaṃ dhanam |
prāṇi-hiṃsāṃ parityajya bahu-nirvedavān bhṛśam || 184 ||

तत्र दावानलं दृष्ट्वा विवेश विरताशयः ।
निर्दग्ध-कल्मषो भूत्वा स्वर्ग-सौख्यम् अवाप्तवान् ॥ १८५ ॥

tatra dāvānalaṃ dṛṣṭvā viveśa viratāśayaḥ |
nirdagdha-kalmaṣo bhūtvā svarga-saukhyam avāptavān || 185 ||

The hunter witnessed the sacrifice of the two pigeons and with a heavy heart, bowed to them and spent many years repenting for his past actions. One day, he saw a huge forest fire, and with folded hands, he walked into it, free from all his desires. His sins were burnt away, and he too went to heaven.