Month: December 2023
I love it when you…
I love it when you hold my hand with your tiny fingers and then grip it tightly and fall asleep… I love it when you open your mouth so that I can feed you and then spill half of it out, back onto my palm… I love it when you try to stand by yourself, …
On perseverance…
It’s late, you are tired, been working all day, Don’t worry, tomorrow you will be fresh again… You missed going out with friends, a bit of partying, Don’t worry, they will be there for you tomorrow again… So many series to watch, movies to see, It’s ok, new ones will be made again… The end …
Baby steps towards Shashi Tharoor….
Now that Wren and Martin is history, and Grammarly is in, we have slowly but surely, lost our touch with English Grammar. When you depend on software for everything, you stop thinking and just click the autocorrect isn’t it? Well, there is no Grammarly for spoken English (yet), so here are some tips and some …
When we were kids in the back yardPlaying astronauts and rock starsNo one told us to stop itCalled us unrealistic Then suddenly you’re eighteenGo to college for your Plan BWhat you want is too riskyLive for weekends and whiskey We all got these big ideas One day they’re replaced with fearsHow did we get here?Darlin’ …
Closing in on the end of the year…
Top 10 books, top 10 movies, top 10 sayings, to 10 learnings.. A lot of top 10s float around on the web, in the dying weeks of the year. I used to compile my own, but nowadays I don’t have the time. I kind of like the books and movies lists, since you end up …
Have a Merry Christmas!
Christmas, in the words of Sri Krishnananda. I have taken a few bits of his lecture – parts that are relevant to you and me. Have a read:) The way spiritual is one of the ways in which man can live in the world, is what the common populace may be thinking. The way spiritual …
Merry Christmas!
It’s that time of the year when people start to wind down, commencing with Christmas and ending in the New Year. A time to spend with family, friends, loved ones and in this year, one more variant of COVID. As we stare at rising cases worldwide, it starts to get irritating. When will all this …
What a waste of intelligence…
Epishura. Now, chances are that you have not heard of this. Nor had I. Epishura inhabits Lake Baikal, the largest source of freshwater in the world. It contains 23% of the worlds’s freshwater, and is renowned for it’s pure H2O. But how does the lake remain so clean? The answer lies in a zooplankton species …
Twelve steps to health…
Today, I had a very interesting discussion on Suryanamaskara. A few of my colleagues have been trying to get this right, but were confused about the number of cycles, the time it takes and how to do it right. So here is a detailed guide:) The 12 steps of Suryanamaskara Pranamasana or Anjali Mudra / Prayer Pose Utthana Hasthasana / Upward …