Month: May 2024

Tired, and then some…

Phew, it’s been a very busy two weeks! I’ve been working from 7ish to 9ish, morning to evening. Calls, business plans, internal reviews, plans, strategies…the list is endless. But all good – a lot of exciting work and more to come! Of course, I do get tired. Only for a bit though – I recall …

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Who is the real me?

न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा न यज्ञाः । अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। About a couple of years back, I had written about the Nirvana Śhatakam. Recently, I stumbled upon another poem, which isn’t anywhere in the same category or depth, but still carries a good message. Here it is… Who am I you may well askI really wish I knewIf I am not myself …

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Education…or money?

Money, or education…if you had just one choice to make, what would you choose? Ok, there is a caveat here. A lot of you may think to choose education, saying that it would eventually lead to money.  Let’s up the stakes. Let’s say that education would not lead to money, nor would money lead to …

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Gyan Mudra

Time commitment : 5 minutes everyday Today, we will practice our second mudra – the jñāna Mudra. I have made a lot of references to this mudra in my earlier articles, and a lot of you requested for a more detailed look into the mudra. While mudras are of many types, I will restrict this discussion to …

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Tracking accomplishments..

This exercise will help you reflect upon your daily tasks, and take the first steps to move from being busy, to being productive. A few points to note: Consistency – It will take a bit of effort to get into the habit of doing this exercise – so set reminders if required. Visualisation – You will also …

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Yoga and true yog…

We are introducing a Wellness Allowance as part of our new compensation package in Dubai. Employees are encouraged to devote some time to their wellness, and this includes any activity that they undertake on a sustained basis. Can be working out in a gym, or a sport, or martial arts, or yoga. When I mentioned …

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On compensation…

Designing a salary package is tricky. From an employee perspective, there is a requirement to maximise compensation, and from an employer perspective, one has to toe the fine line between making an employee happy, and yet keeping costs competitive. But then again, what is compensation? Is it only money? Yes, you may say. I work …

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The bot culture…

A cursory glance at Twitter trends throws light on the condition of social media today. Over 90% of those trends are bot-driven, an in-your-face attempt at steering public conversation, or at least appearing to – in a direction that they want to take it towards. And we as hungry observers scroll our time away, every …

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