You can read the previous part here…
And so, when I get my second dose tomorrow, I will say a small prayer of thanks. For the life that I have got, for it’s comforts, for the good food I eat, and for all the privileges that I have.
Sometimes, we just don’t remember. Maybe such events are a good way to have a reality check – on the world around us. And stay grounded.

Ok, so the side effects hit the next day of the vaccine, or at least in my case.
The day I had the vaccination pretty much passed uneventfully, but today morning was a bit off. Headache, eye pain and a light fever. Subsided now, and well, a small price to pay for protection against COVID.
Speaking of protection, what happens now? In the US, I’ve read that one can walk around without masks. if you have been vaccinated. Here (and in many other parts of the world) one still has to wear masks and maintain the social distancing.
One pandemic, multiple ways of dealing with it.
I wonder why such matters cannot be decided on a global scale. It is the same disease everywhere, at the end of it.
Take meetings for instance. I see coffee shops filled with people who come in with their masks, fist or elbow bump and then take off their masks and continue a conversation. Is that safe?
Some malls have a 2-meter social distancing requirement, others 1.5 meters, but elevators have people standing much less than a meter apart. So which one is it?
A lot of questions, but I guess people have got too weary of trying to find these answers.
And so we prod on, hoping that this will all be over at the earliest and we can go back to living our lives, meeting our friends and family and traveling.
I do too, and vaccinated or not, I guess we cannot afford to slip up. Wear your masks, respect social distancing and keep up the spirits.
For now, will rest a bit, and be back tomorrow with a very interesting twist to the tale of Candraprabha!