When Manaḥsvāmin received the money, he went with the maid to the chambers of Dhanavatī, where she was waiting for him eagerly.
As Manaḥsvāmin saw Dhanavatī, his heart skipped a beat, much like the chakora bird gets delighted on seeing the moon.
And so he spent the night with her, and they enjoyed each other till the morning, when, as per the deal, he left her house in secret.
सापि तस्माद् धनवती सगर्भाभूद् वणिक्सुता ।
काले च सुषुवे पुत्रं लक्षणानुमितायतिम् ॥ १२,२६.४७ ॥
परितुष्टां तदा तां च सुतोत्पत्त्या समातृकाम् ।
आदिदेश हरः स्वप्ने दर्शितस्ववपुर् निशि ॥ १२,२६.४८ ॥
युक्तं हेमसहस्रेण नीत्वा बालम् उषस्य् अमुम् ।
सूर्यप्रभनृपस्येह मञ्चस्थं द्वारि मुञ्चतम् ॥ १२,२६.४९ ॥
एवं स्यात् क्षेमम् इत्य् उक्ता शूलिना सा वणिक्सुता ।
तन्माता च प्रबुध्यैतं स्वप्नन्न् अन्योनम् ऊचतुः ॥ १२,२६.५० ॥
नीत्वा च तं तत्यजतुर् भगवत्प्रत्ययाच् छिशुम् ।
राज्ञः सूर्यप्रभस्यास्य सिंहद्वारे सहेमकम् ॥ १२,२६.५१ ॥
तावच् च तम् अपि स्वप्ने सुतचिन्तातुरं सदा ।
तत्र सूर्यप्रभं भूपम् आदिदेश वृषध्वजः ॥ १२,२६.५२ ॥
उत्तिष्ठ राजन् बालस् ते सिंहद्वारे सकाञ्चनः ।
केनापि स्थापितो भव्यो मञ्चकस्थं गृहाण तम् ॥ १२,२६.५३ ॥
And Dhanavatī, in due course, became pregnant, and soon she had a son, who was born on a very auspicious time and brought with him very good fortune.
Her mother and her were very pleased, and one night, Śiva himself appeared in her dream, and said…
“Take this boy, as he lies in this cradle, and with a thousand gold coins, leave him at the doorsteps of King Sūryaprabha. Do this early morning tomorrow. This will result in your own good.”
When Dhanavatī woke early in the morning, she told Hiraṇyavatī what she had been instructed to do. Hiraṇyavatī was taken aback, as she also had the same dream the night before.
They knew that they had to do this, and so they took the boy, and the gold, and laid them together at the gates of the palace of King Sūryaprabha.
In the meantime, Śiva also appeared in the dreams of the king, and said…
“Oh King! I know of your deep desire to obtain a son. Rise, and go to the doorsteps of your palace. Someone has left a beautiful child there in a cradle, along with a large sum of gold. Take him, and raise him as your own.”
इत्य् उक्तः शंभुना प्रातः प्रबुद्धो ऽपि तथैव सः ।
द्वाःस्थैः प्रविश्य विज्ञप्तो निर्ययौ नृपतिः स्वयम् ॥ १२,२६.५४ ॥
दृष्ट्वा च सिंहद्वारे तं बालं सकनकोत्करम् ।
रेखाच्छत्त्रध्वजाद्यङ्कपाणिपादं शुभाकृतिम् ॥ १२,२६.५५ ॥
दत्तो ममोचितः पुत्रः शंभुनायम् इति ब्रुवन् ।
स्वयं गृहीत्वा बाहुभ्यां राजधानीं विवेश सः ॥ १२,२६.५६ ॥
चकार चोत्सवं तावद् असंख्यातं ददद् वसु ।
दरिद्रशब्दस्यैकस्य यावद् आसीन् निरर्थता ॥ १२,२६.५७ ॥
नृत्तवाद्यादिभिर् नीत्वा द्वादशाहं ततः स तम् ।
पुत्रं चन्द्रप्रभं नाम्ना चक्रे सुर्यप्रभो नृपः ॥ १२,२६.५८ ॥
As the king woke up the next morning, his guards came running to him and told him of the boy that had been left at the palace gates.
King Sūryaprabha rushed to the palace gates to see this for himself, and when he reached there, he saw a beautiful baby in a cradle, with gold coins heaped in a corner.
He also observed that the cradle was not ordinary, nor was the baby, who carried on his hands and feet the marks that showed a future of great fortune.
“This child has been given to me by none other than Śiva himself” thought Sūryaprabha as he took the infant in his arms, and walked back into his palace.
He then threw a magnificent feast, and the whole kingdom was entertained for twelve full days, with food, and song and dance, and so much wealth given away in charity that that the only thing which remained poor in the kingdom, was the word poor itself.
On the twelfth day, the child was named Candraprabha.
to be continued…