Ok bye. See you tomorrow. Hopefully no fever. No body pain. Just pure Covid swimming in my blood. I mean vaccine.
You can read the previous part here…
7.10 this morning, a thin needle made it’s way into my left shoulder, and a mini piston pushed in what they told me was the first installment of a potential life-saver.
It took less than 10 seconds.
Drove back home, and have been reading and watching movies since.
Today is Ekādashi as well, so fasting too.
No side effects yet. Am a bit warm, but not as bad. Hardly any soreness.
Gayatri macchi cautioned me that it will get a bit bad later in the day…so in her favorite hero’s own words..
But for the rest of you out there…go get your vaccination done. I wonder why it is still optional!
Anyways, I did have a chance to catch up on a couple of movies – rather, anthologies. Ajeeb Dāstans – that was nothing great save the ‘Geeli Pucchi’ episode, and ‘Paava Kadhaigal’, which was good but depressing.
Oh yes, I also saw ‘Ram Prasad ki Terhavi’ – Semma Pahwa’s exceptional debut, and a much more mature and realistic presentation than Paglaait, which I didn’t see much of (but found it childish anyway).
Yog and movies – how do they go together?
Well, unless you think that yogis are all meant to go to the Himālayas and meditate themselves to nirvana…
Grihastāshrama is life in society, with family, with people around you. Yog practice is essential, but once in a while it’s ok to indulge. The problem happens when we only indulge, and little else.
So I had provisioned for a quiet day, without work and spent largely with myself. Am liking it, but will be raring to go back to work and family, and Vetāla by tomorrow. See you then.