Gayatri Ramayanam

Gayatri Ramayanam – Part 4

१९. य –यस्य विक्रममासाद्य राक्षसा निधनं गताः |तं मन्ये राघवं वीरं नारायणमनामयम् || ६-७२-११ “On the strength of whose valour many rakshasas lost their lives that valiant Rama, I think, is the eternal Narayana Himself.” [Note: These are the musings of Ravana when many of his commanders and his brother Kumbhakarna were put to death by Rama and Lakshmana] २०. न …

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Gayatri Ramayanam – Part 3

१३. स –स निर्जित्य पुरीं श्रेष्ठां लङ्का तां कामरूपिणीम् |विक्रमेण महातेजा हनूमान् कपिसत्तमः || ५-४-१ Having conquered  by his valour the guarding deity of Lankapuri,   who was capable of taking any form she desired, Hanuman, son of Vayu and very powerful (scaled the ramparts of Lanka) १४. ध –धन्या देवाः सगन्धर्वाः सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः |मम पश्यन्ति ये नाथं …

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Gayatri Ramayanam – Part 2

७. नि –निरीक्ष्य स मुहूर्तं तु ददर्श भरतो गुरुम् |उटजे राममासीनं जटामण्डलधारिणम् || २-९९-२५ – अयोध्याकाण्डम् Bharata (after sighting the hermitage of Rama), spent a few minutes looking at it and then saw Rama , his Guru, sitting inside with his matted locks. [Note: The context is Bharata visiting Rama at Chitrakuta with a view to persuading him …

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Gayatri Ramayanam – Part 1

तत्सवितुर्वरॆण्यंभर्गो देवस्य धीमहि धियॊ यॊ नः प्रचोदयात्    We are all familiar with the Gayatri Mahamantra above. The Valmiki Ramayana contains 24,000 slokas divided into 7 Kandas, namely, Balakanda, Ayodhya Kanda, Aranya Kanda, Kishkindha kanda, Sundara kanda,  Yuddha kanda  and Uttara Kanda.   The first letter of the first sloka in each group of 1,000 slokas …

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