“Look around, O Kamalākara, this is such a beautiful garden! Try to get out of this sad mood, and cheer up!”
The young Kamalākara answered…
“My friend, my heart has been taken away by her, the beautiful Anaṅgamañjarī. There is just an empty space within, so how can I cheer up? Kāma has pierced my body all over, and there is no cure for this. My friend, please find me that girl, who stole my heart and left me empty…”
इत्य् उक्ते विप्रपुत्रेण तेनात्मानं प्रदर्श्य सा ।
हृष्टा मालतिकाभ्येत्य तम् उवाचास्तसंशया ॥ १२,२८.५५ ॥
तवास्म्य् अनङ्गमञ्जर्या सुभग प्रहितान्तिकम् ।
संदेशं चाहम् एवैषा विस्पष्टार्थं ब्रवीमि ते ॥ १२,२८.५६ ॥
एष कः शिष्टधर्मो यत् प्रविश्य हृदयं हठात् ।
मनो मुषित्वा मुग्धाया गम्यते स्थगितात्मना ॥ १२,२८.५७ ॥
चित्रं च यद् वामदृशा तुभ्यम् एव तयाधुना ।
मनोहराय देहो ऽपि दातुं प्राणैः सहेष्यते ॥ १२,२८.५८ ॥
निःश्वासान् सा हि संतप्तान् विमुञ्चति दिवानिशम् ।
ज्वलतो हृदि कन्दर्पवह्नेर् धूमोद्गमान् इव ॥ १२,२८.५९ ॥
संपतन्ति मुहुश् चास्याः साञ्जना बाष्पबिन्दवः ।
वदनाम्भोजसौगन्ध्यलुब्धा मधुकरा इव ॥ १२,२८.६० ॥
तद् यदीच्छसि तद् वच्मि शिवं वाम् उभयोर् अहम् ।
इत्य् उक्तो मालतिकया सो ऽब्रवीत् कमलाकरः ॥ १२,२८.६१ ॥
When Kamalākara said this, Mālatikā had no more doubts, and she was delighted, so she walked up to him, and said…
“O Kamalākara! Anaṅgamañjarī has sent me to you, and I carry from her this message…”
“Is it befitting for a man of virtue to enter a young girl’s heart by force, and steal it, without permission?”
“It is strange, but even though you stole her heart, she still wishes to surrender herself – her body, her mind and her life – to you.”
“Every day and every night, she brings forth heavy sighs, which seem like smoke arising from the fire of love and passion that is burning in her heart for you…”
“Her teardrops are as black as kajal, and fall ever so frequently, like bees attracted by the fragrance of her lotus-like face…”
“And so”, continued Mālatikā, “If you wish, I will suggest something that will be good for the both of you.”
भद्रे भयं करोत्य् एषा वाक् तवाश्वासयत्य् अपि ।
वदन्ती विधुरावस्थां बद्धभावां च मे प्रियाम् ॥ १२,२८.६२ ॥
तद् एका गतिर् अत्र त्वं यथा वेत्सि तथा कुरु ।
इत्युक्तवाक्ये कमलाकरे मालतिकाब्रवीत् ॥ १२,२८.६३ ॥
अनङ्गमञ्जरीम् अद्य गुप्तं तां प्रापयाम्य् अहम् ।
नक्तं स्वभवनोद्यानं त्वं तिष्ठेस् तत्र बाह्यतः ॥ १२,२८.६४ ॥
ततः प्रवेशयिष्यामि त्वाम् अत्रान्तः स्वयुक्तितः ।
एवं यथेष्टो युवयोर् भविष्यति समागमः ॥ १२,२८.६५ ॥
इत्य् उक्त्वानन्द्य तं विप्रपुत्रं मालतिका ततः ।
गत्वा कृतार्था सानङ्गमञ्जरीम् अप्य् अनन्दयत् ॥ १२,२८.६६ ॥
When Mālatikā said this, Kamalākara replied…
“Oh good lady, what you have said comforts me and makes me happy that the one I love, does love me back as well…”
“But it also terrifies me, because she is in a state of unhappiness. You alone can help us both. Tell me what I should do…”
Mālatikā said…
“Tonight, I will bring Anaṅgamañjarī to the garden that forms part of her house. You should be present outside at that time. I will then get you inside the garden and you will be able to meet her and spend time with her.”
Her words made Kamalākara very happy. She then went back and told Anaṅgamañjarī what had happened, and this made her very happy as well.
to be continued…