And just like that, one day already passed in the New Year. Chances are, we didn’t get much done, post all the revelry on the 31st.
Yes, one day may not be much in the scheme of things, but it does count, if you want it to. So does an hour, even a minute, but only if you want it to. But if were your last day, or your last hour, or your last minute, ever, well, that is a different story now isn’t it?
Otherwise, anything goes.
Yesterday’s post attracted a lot of comments from a few who read the blog regularly. How do we go about this, some said. Yes, I always start with a lot of energy, but somewhere down the line (4-5 days I suspect) it fizzles out, said one. Isn’t too much thinking going into something that just needs to play out, and plays out well if you adhere to some simple ground rules of living and work, said another. Aren’t you being too hard on yourself?
I don’t know, is the answer. What I do know that it would be a crime to let one’s talent wither away, given the present opportunities. A lot of people are more talented, but do not get the opportunity, the platform, that can help them demonstrate their skills. So when you do, make the most of it. Always do justice to your skills, and keep up-skilling. I see it as simple as that.
How to go about it? That too, I don’t know. Everyone has their unique skillsets, their unique way of learning the ropes, and so the one-size-fits-all approach taken by classical education just does not cut it.
Instead, I would recommend that we try a very straightforward method – diligence, focus and perseverance. Go deep, don’t multitask and don’t give up.
That’s a good starter kit – the rest, you will work out on the way.
Life isn’t as hard as we make it out to be. Nor as simple as we think it is. The same goes for work, or anything else that we do. Let’s try hard to do justice to our own selves in this new year. So what if many many years passed by already? It’s never too late to start.