And today is the day when a birthday celebrates it’s Rajinikanth:)

The release of a movie of Rajnikanth is a festival in itself…from the announcement, to the first look, the decked up theatres, the fan frenzy, and now of course the craze on social media as well. It’s apparent that people buy into the mania, the celebration, the pride of the ‘first day first show ‘ ticket, and the kind of hype that surrounds the movie, rather than the movie itself. I’ve observed this happening from the past few years, and increasing exponentially with time.
With Kabali came the subtle, yet strong signal to all of us that the superstar has had enough of only playing to the gallery, and now wanted to go back to performances.
You can have a subtle Rajini, but he is the superstar nevertheless. He strides onto the screen with a presence that other actors can only dream of, and whichever director has tried to get him to control his irrepressible style, has failed.
For style it is, when he walks, when he looks, when he talks. Hell, even when he is just sitting. That’s one thing you can’t ask to get rid of, he was born with him and it will go with him (Padayappa!).
But the dancing around trees…that’s on its way out. And it feels great. After long, in Kabali and Kaala, I saw glimpses of his depth in acting that I was missing. Rajini sir, you are are much better actor than a star. It’s a pity that we, your fans, have caged you in this superstardom, and in the process, suppressed the fine actor in you. But no, it’s time.
The destiny of a bird is what takes it soaring. Keeping it caged has only made it sad and while the owner thinks it’s protecting it from the vultures, it’s only harming it’s destiny. Truly spoken in Kabali…and we understand. Soar high, we your fans will always be here…
Rajinikanth has been coming out with a lot of movies since the past few years. Earlier, it used to be once in 2-3 years, now it’s a lot more frequent.
These movies have now become a sort of template – one pretty much knows how things will play out through the three hours of runtime…yet people (like me) choose to sit through and watch…why?
The theme behind most Rajinikanth movies is the same – successful man, does good, preaches good, fate (and a villain) bring him down…but he rises again and through the right means, and then of course, bye bye bad man.
But that is reducing 180 minutes to a single line.

The beauty lies in the experience. From the much-awaited Rajini entry scene, usually enhanced with a song within 5 minutes (if not as part of the entry itself), to the dialogues, the challenge at intermission, and the final climax, it is a one-man show all the way.
But have a look at the songs too. In Annaatthe, the intro song speaks of confidence in oneself, hard work and time management. Don’t give in to desires, self realization, wish with truth in your heart and nothing is impossible…almost sounds like a management guru.
Rajini movies speak all this and more, going beyond the usual “good vs evil” scene to carry a message laced with humor, thrill and overall front-bench entertainment. Most bitter medicine does come with a sweetened pill, and this is what is served in a quintessential Rajinikanth movie.
I keep all the flaws aside, and look out for the “philosophical” bits in his movies. Four or five at most, but they make a point and make it well. The audience laps it up and I do hope that they are able to put what he says into practice.
Its almost as if a “Happy Guru” decided to give a message and throw in a movie around it. Well, he would not be able to carry it off for sure, coz only “Rajini-can”.
The rest just end up copying him and finding new ways of beating 20-30 henchmen to pulp.

Rajini sir, we love you. Keep them coming – good or bad, we will watch it at least once.
See you in January!