Fall down seven…

Fall down seven

and get up eight,

that my friend, is the way to be.

For life throws more than just a punch or two

and maybe one more than you can dodge,

It may hit you square in the jaw,

and before you know it, you are floored.

Lying there, rubbing your chin, head hurting,

you wonder what and why, and how

The opponent is strong, agile, powerful,

how will you ever overcome this?

It is then, my friend, that life presents two choices

two ways to go, and it is up to you…

The one you choose will be the one that decides

and not you, no, not you,

for the choice you think you make is the one that chooses

the way you live the rest of your life…

One is easy, just lie low, stay still

the opponent will be back, but you do live

to tell the tale, for sure…

and every time this happens, you just lie low, still…

it’s ok, you say, I am still alive.

But my friend, you are not alive, you exist yes,

but you are not alive, you are not. You gave up.

You lost. Not to anyone else, but to your own self.

The other way is hard, tough, filled with grit

For if you rise, you may be knocked down again

and again, and again…

But the beauty my friend, lies in the rising, not falling,

The beauty is that as you keep rising, one day,

The opponent with tire, will wear out..

and that’s when your punch that lands, will floor him instead.

And that’s when my friend, you will emerge victorious.

Not because you made him fall, no, not at all,

but because you failed to lie low and stay there,

and in this failure lies your victory…

your proof that you are alive and well, and full of spirit…

Your promise to yourself, that you are the best

the best version of you that can ever exist.

Fall down seven

and get up eight,

that my friend, is the way to be.

Fall down seven

and get up eight,

that my friend, is the ONLY way to be…