Yog Daily

Three’s company…

A newsletter that does not waste time in coming to the point. Three recommendations per week – one book, one song, one article. No lengthly explanations, reasoning, reviews or gyaan. And no particular theme. This week: Book – A Short History of Nearly Everything – by Bill Bryson Music – Vilambit Impressions – Ustad Zakir …

Three’s company… Read More »

Hi Ted!

I haven’t given a Ted Talk as yet, but then, Ted was never around. Public speaking is not easy. There are many who speak in public, there are some who speak to the public and a few to who the public speaks back. I have seen a lot of the first two, but a handful …

Hi Ted! Read More »

Choices and consequences…

What role does choice play in our lives? I read a book somewhere that spoke about parallel realities. Every time we are faced with a choice, we make one and our lives go forward from that point on. But there is a possibility that the other choice is also made, and reality splits there so …

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Of Nara and Narayana…

Narayana and Nara are supposed to have taken form as Sri Krishna and Arjuna. They were almost like twins, working together living together, eating together, one being in two bodies. The association of Sri Krishna with Arjuna, so inseparable, is an illustration of the inseparable relation between God and man. यत्र योगेश्वर: कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धर: ।तत्र श्रीर्विजयो …

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Of teachers and Teachers – part 2

गुरुरेव परा काष्ठा गुरुरेव परं धनं । यस्मात्तदुपदेष्टाऽसौ तस्माद्गुरुतरो गुरुरिति ॥ १८॥ gurureva parā kāṣṭhā gurureva paraṁ dhanaṁ | yasmāttadupadeṣṭā’sau tasmādgurutaro gururiti || 18|| Advaya Taraka Upanishad, Śukla-Yajuveda, Ślok 18 A Guru is the culmination, the zenith, a Guru is the greatest wealth you can possess.  A Guru teaches you the ultimate truth, and that …

Of teachers and Teachers – part 2 Read More »

Of teachers and Teachers…

We may remember Teachers Day as the day when we decorated the blackboard (or green board, as was in our case), and wished our teachers and thanked them for teaching us well. We may not have understood the importance of teachers day then, as we do now.  Today, we live in different parts of the …

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Outage outrage…

Thank you Apple. So here is what supposedly happened – one file in a kernel update was corrupted, and Windows crashed worldwide. One file – thousands of computers affected, and as a result, disruptions across sectors – from airlines to banks and markets. From the USA to Australia. Reminds me of something in Hindi – …

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And then there were three…

Started my second newsletter on LinkedIn. Called Three. A newsletter that does not waste time in coming to the point. Three recommendations per week – one book, one song, one article. No lengthly explanations, reasoning, reviews or gyaan. And no particular theme. This week: Book – The Anxious Generation – by Jonathan Haidt Song – …

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Small bites, always:)

I had been wanting to write regularly from quite some time. It did happen in fits and starts, but didn’t go on to be consistent. We often wait to find the optimum conditions to start anything – be it a new exercise routine, or a new project, or a new way of living. Big or …

Small bites, always:) Read More »