It’s not often that you manage to squeeze in two beautiful movies on the same weekend. The past two days were exceptional considering that we watched two amazing movies, one closer home and another from halfway around the globe.
Manjummel Boys and She Said. The one in Malayalam reinforces the fact that the best movies coming out of India are currently from the South of the Vindhyas – no contest there. The one from Hollywood talks about well, Hollywood’s dark side – Harvey Weinstein. Both stories well told, engaging and no sensationalism. Must watch!
There was the mandatory mall visit (we live in Dubai after all) and purchase of two more dinosaurs to add to Keshav’s ever-growing collection of the extinct lizards, and the search for the ‘just right’ couch for our house. We came so close to getting one, but backed out at the last minute.
And of course, the book that I am reading now, which has so many tidbits that I can’t wait to share. I should do more to promote the activity of reading – any ideas people?
See you tomorrow!