A step back…

A step back is not failure…

Just like a step forward is not victory…

Every once in a while, you may retreat momentarily

Maybe just to assess the situation from another perspective

or maybe to prepare for something larger

or maybe to avoid a bigger problem…

Whatever may be the cause, if you take a step back

it should be resolute

your leg should not shake,

and your gait should not wobble…

For a step back…

is a preparation to launch an attack,

is a way to consolidate…

and only fools would rejoice

when they see you taking a step backwards,

for they do not know you, or your determination…

And as they celebrate, they will not see it coming,

and when they do, it will be too late…

The above is a poem that I wrote just now. About Kumite (full-contact sparring) in Kyokushin karate.

The same holds for an announcement that took India by surprise today.

The scenario is different, but the same holds true:)

See you tomorrow!