How does one end up with so many things to do and so little time?
Work, ideas, new projects, personal plans…the days fly past and the plans and ideas just keep coming and..well, lie in a few corners of your mind, from where they occasionally spring to life only to be summarily dismissed much like the snooze button on a lazy morning.
And boy, was that a long sentence.
Anyways, trivia aside, the fact of the matter remains that there is so much to do, and so little time. The story of my life and I suspect a lot others too.
What can we do about it? Too little am afraid, unless you are willing to kick in the extreme discipline mode which we as humans do tend to avoid like the plague, or put off with a diligence that is a semi-discipline in itself. If only we could apply such devotion to actually doing stuff…hmmm..
Well, being a martial artist, I tend to think of myself as (slightly) more in control than the average, but sometimes I wonder if I am indeed just convincing myself that I am not as lazy. My exercise regime has been in cold storage for longer that I remember (or want to admit) and I’ve been resolving to get it sorted as soon as…well tomorrow.
On an un-related note, if tomorrow comes was an enjoyable movie.
Are the Germans really that efficient as they are made out to be? If so, what’s the secret sauce, pray tell me. For it’s pushing September and I am in March mode yet. Are you sure that the clocks haven’t been tuned a bit to run much faster than they used to? Can’t trust anything in the days of Artificial Intelligence you see…have to check.
On that note, I have to remember to carry my chequebook tomorrow for one of those transactions that refuse to die a natural (or digital) death. And a pen, which is quite a rarity in itself. Damn Apple!
A long rant, with no point in any of it. Part of the procrastination problem, or an issue with plenty on the plate? Glass half full/empty analogy here? Maybe not.
Back to Nike from tomorrow.
Just do it.
The keyword, by the way, was…tomorrow.