एकः स्वादु न भुञ्जीत एकश् चार्थान् न चिन्तयेत् ।
एको न गच्छेद् अध्वानं नैकः सुप्तेषु जागृयात् ॥ ९५ ॥
ekaḥ svādu na bhuñjīta ekaś cārthān na cintayet |
eko na gacched adhvānaṃ naikaḥ supteṣu jāgṛyāt || 95 ||
One should not feast on good food alone. If everyone with him has slept, one should not wake him up alone. One should not embark on a journey alone and one should not think about important matters alone.
The above pada is from the Panchatantra, one among many deeply insightful pieces of knowledge hidden among what’s commonly perceived as children’s tales. Thought of this pada today as I had two of the four – good food and thoughts on important matters.
Joys are best when shared right? Thinking in a group brings perspective – things that you may not have thought about. That is why dinners with people you like are fun – the food and the conversation stimulate body and mind….
So do books by the way. After a brief hiatus, I resumed “Mother Tongue”, the Story of the English Language, by Bill Bryson. Did you realize that O.K. is the most grammatically versatile of words, able to serve as an adjective (“Lunch was O.K.”), verb (“Can you O.K. this for me?”), noun (“I need your O.K. on this”), interjection (“O.K., I hear you”), and adverb ( ‘We did O.K.”). It can carry shades of meaning that range from casual assent (“Shall we go?” “O.K.”), to great enthusiasm (“O. K.!”), to lukewarm endorsement (“The party was O.K.”), to a more or less meaningless filler of space (“O.K., can I have your attention please?”
Or that
“The Japanese are particular masters at the art of seizing a foreign word and alternately beating it and aerating it until it sounds something like a native product. Thus the sumato (smart) and nyuu ritchi (newly rich) Japanese person seasons his or her conversation with upatodatu expressions like gurama foto (glamour photo), hai-kurasu (high class), kyapitaru gein (capital gain), and rushawa (rush hour). Sebiro, for a suit of clothes, looks convincingly native until you realize that it is a corruption of Savile Row, the London street where the finest suits are made.”
Interesting isn’t it?
See you tomorrow!