Of angles bound…

Bhadrasana is also known as Baddha Konasana. The name comes from the Sanskrit words बद्ध, Baddha meaning “bound”, कोण, Koṇa meaning “angle”,[ and आसन, Āsana meaning “posture” or “seat”.

The name Baddha Konasana is relatively recent, but the pose is medieval, as the meditation seat Bhadrasana (from भद्रा Bhadra, “throne”[6]) is described in the 15th century Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

Bhadrasana denoting ‘auspiciousness’ is a posture that brings the Muladhara or Root Chakra to life. This asana is performed in a seated position and can be held for extended periods of time as it is fairly comfortable. The defining characteristic of the pose is a thorough lengthening of the spine and how it allows the shoulders to drop down in a relaxed manner.

In addition to the health benefits of Bhadrasana, there is an inherent quality of this posture of bringing groundedness and calm. The association of Bhadrasana to the Root Chakra suggests a connection with the Earth element. Unleashing the energy of this chakra leads to fortifying one’s sense of security, satisfying basic needs, feeling grounded in familial relationships, and being in tune with one’s own body.

Muladhara Chakra

On a more anatomical level, Bhadrasana is known to develop flexibility in the legs, build power in the backbone, thighs, hips and buttocks, and has a crucial potential to relieve the condition of varicose veins.

Benefits of Bhadrasana

1. Invigorates the System: The Bhadrasana is therapeutic for fatigue. After an exhaustive day, sit for a few minutes in this asana and holistically energize your body, mind, and soul. This asana naturally rejuvenates the body and makes you feel fresh.

2. Feel Stable and Confident: By activating the Muladhara Chakra located at the base of the spine, Bhadrasana fosters feelings of safety, inner stability, and confidence. Muladhara Chakra forms the basis of our spiritual development. Through Muladhara Chakra, we receive nourishment and are able to progress towards the state of self-realisation.

3. Rest in Tranquility: As Bhadrasana is a meditative posture, its practice is calming for the brain. The gracious pose reduces hyper mental activity and allows it the space to rest in peace and tranquility. In this asana, pranic energy is directed upwards that confers yogis with a healthy body and mind.

4. Flexible Legs: Practice the Bhadrasana regularly and gradually you shall notice an increased flexibility in your legs. Bhadrasana gradually increases the pliancy of leg muscles along with hamstrings, quadriceps, thighs, and more. A lot of martial art stretching sequences incorporate Bhadrasana in various forms. 

5. Strong Back: The gracious pose promotes a healthy and strong spinal column. During the performance of the posture, the spine is stretched that helps in restoring its natural curve and assists in alleviating a backache. People who have sedentary jobs can practice the Bhadrasana for a healthy back.

6. Treats Stomach Problems: The Bhadrasana is a natural and safe method for treating acidity, constipation, and several stomach problems. The posture is believed to enhance the digestive process of the practitioners. Good digestion is one of the well-known health benefits of this asana.

7. Spiritual Benefits: For decades, yogis have practiced Bhadrasana for reaping spiritual benefits. The Hatha Yoga Pradīpikā recommends this asana as one of the ideal asanas to practice Dhyana. As it is a simple yoga pose, practitioners from different yoga levels can perform it with ease for unfolding the spiritual rewards.