Piece by piece, block by block, segment by segment…the wall-to-wall bookshelf is nearly ready. Once the frame is done, wrapping and then it’s complete. at 3 meters tall and 4 meters wide, it is big enough to host around 600 books, or in other words, my current collection, give and take a few.

Which means I will need another such mammoth undertaking soon enough.

But a start is a start:)

My mission, (and I chose to accept it), is MRGA. Yes, a derivative of the slogan you are hearing half of America say, MRGA is the need of the hour (in my Trump voice) – it’s great, it’s the best, believe me.

Make Reading Great Again.

Please stop that “I am a visual learner” nonsense. I don’t see anyone “visual”ing a physics textbook, or a math lesson for that matter. You have to get down to the basic act of reading, one that seems so difficult to so many people right now.

Including just about everyone I know.

Except by son, who loves reading – one small problem though. He can’t. So yours truly does it for him:)

Here is Naval Ravikant’s take on reading. For those who don’t know him, do get hold of The Almanack of Naval Ravikant. Worth your money:)