I come from an India,
Where we worship anything that breathes…and also anything that doesn’t.
I come from an India,
Where the earth we walk on is worshipped as our mother.
I come from an India,
Where we touch the feet of elders as a mark of respect.
I come from an India,
Where five major religions were born, and still exist and thrive.
I come from an India,
Where we speak hundreds of languages, yet understand each other in our own little ways.
I come from an India,
Where we treat our guests as god, no less…
I come from an India,
Where we believe not just our country, but the world is one family.
I can go on and on really. There are so many things that one can speak about our own country, because we take pride in it. Much like a family…
And just like a family, we have our own family positives and negatives. Every family has their secrets, their personal issues that they try to solve on their own. Would be odd if we went to our neighbours and cribbed about our own family members, wouldn’t it?
Every country has a good side and a bad side – and this is not because of that particular country, but because a country is made up of people. And people are not infallible. People make mistakes, there are good and there are bad people.
One can say this about any country. Is there no country in the world where murders, rapes and thievery do not happen? Is there no country in the world where criminals do not exist? Where bad things do not take place?
Then why go on stage and speak ill about our own? Especially when your own twitter feed is filled with sexist jokes and vile comments?
All for two minutes of infamy.
The country is much, much bigger than attention seekers. And yes, the world knows what India is. And it is our duty to demonstrate what our country can become, through our collective hard work and concentrated effort.
Ignore the comedian. His jokes are unfunny and his attempt at wokeness, even more so.