Read the previous part here…
And so being aggressive and engaging an enemy in a fierce battle can only result in his defeat, not his annihilation. But by using a cool mind, and deception, the very roots of the enemy can be uprooted – he can be destroyed in a way that he never recovers.
MeghaVarna agreed. “You are correct Sthirajeevin. Those who are great do not give up, even in adverse circumstances. It has been said…”
महत्त्वम् एतन् महतां नयालङ्कार-धारिणाम् ।
न मुञ्चन्ति यद् आरब्धं कृच्छ्रेऽपि व्यसनोदये ॥ २४३ ॥
mahattvam etan mahatāṃ nayālaṅkāra-dhāriṇām |
na muñcanti yad ārabdhaṃ kṛcchre’pi vyasanodaye || 243 ||
The greatness of great men lies in the fact that they are perfectionists, and do not abandon what they have started, even in dire circumstances.
And also…
प्रारभ्यते न खलु विघ्न-भयेन नीचैः प्रारभ्य विघ्न-विहता विरमन्ति मध्याः ।
विघ्नैः सहस्र-गुणितैर् अपि हन्यमानाः प्रारब्धम् उत्तम-गुणा न परित्यजन्ति ॥ २४४ ॥
prārabhyate na khalu vighna-bhayena nīcaiḥ prārabhya vighna-vihatā viramanti madhyāḥ |
vighnaiḥ sahasra-guṇitair api hanyamānāḥ prārabdham uttama-guṇā na parityajanti || 244 ||
The worst category of men do not even begin anything, for the fear of obstacles. A little above them are men who begin, but abandon what they do as soon as they face obstacles. But the highest of men are those who do not abandon what they have started, even when they face obstacles again and again.
“You used your intelligence and destroyed our enemies, and this is why we are at peace. This is true of all those who are adept in politics. It is said…
ऋण-शेषं चाग्नि-शेषं च शत्रु-शेषं तथैव च ।
व्याधि-शेषं च निःशेषं कृत्वा प्राज्ञो न सीदति ॥ २४५ ॥
ṛṇa-śeṣaṃ cāgni-śeṣaṃ ca śatru-śeṣaṃ tathaiva ca |
vyādhi-śeṣaṃ ca niḥśeṣaṃ kṛtvā prājño na sīdati || 245 ||
Those who remove all traces of debt, fire, enmity and illness, are always at peace.
Sthirajeevin replied “O King, you are fortunate. Whatever you started ended in success. Remember, mere valor does not guarantee success – acting with wisdom and thoughtfulness alone leads to victory. It has been said…”
शस्त्रैर् हता न हि हता रिपवो भवन्ति प्रज्ञा-हतास् तु रिपवः सुहता भवन्ति ।
शस्तं निहन्ति पुरुषस्य शरीरम् एकं प्रज्ञा कुलं च विभवश् च यशश् च हन्ति ॥ २४६ ॥
śastrair hatā na hi hatā ripavo bhavanti prajñā-hatās tu ripavaḥ suhatā bhavanti |
śastaṃ nihanti puruṣasya śarīram ekaṃ prajñā kulaṃ ca vibhavaś ca yaśaś ca hanti || 246 ||
An enemy is not destroyed merely by force. But if one uses intelligence, one can completely annihilate the enemy. Weapons merely injure the body, but intelligence can destroy his family, prosperity and fame all at once.
And therefore, both wisdom and effort are essential for success. Because…
प्रसरति मतिः कार्यारम्भे दृढीभवति स्मृतिः स्वयम् उपनयन्न् अर्थान् मन्त्रो न गच्छति विप्लवम् ।
स्फुरति सफलस् तर्कश् चित्तं समुन्नतिम् अश्नुते भवति च रतिः श्लाघ्ये कृत्ये नरस्य भविष्यतः ॥ २४७ ॥
prasarati matiḥ kāryārambhe dṛḍhībhavati smṛtiḥ svayam upanayann arthān mantro na gacchati viplavam |
sphurati saphalas tarkaś cittaṃ samunnatim aśnute bhavati ca ratiḥ ślāghye kṛtye narasya bhaviṣyataḥ || 247 ||
The person whose fate is on his side, and whose progress is imminent – his mind aligns towards proper action, his memory improves, his wishes move towards fulfillment, his advice does not go to waste, his ability to reason increases, his attitude is always pleasant and positive, and he develops a higher level of interest in performing tasks that are worthwhile.
The kingdom belongs to those who have knowledge of politics, who have the strength to sacrifice and who are brave. It has been said…
त्यागिनि शूरे विदुषि च संसर्ग-रुचिर् जनो गुणी भवति ।
गुणवति धनं धनाच् छ्रीः श्रीमत्य् आज्ञा ततो राज्यम् ॥ २४८ ॥
tyāgini śūre viduṣi ca saṃsarga-rucir jano guṇī bhavati |
guṇavati dhanaṃ dhanāc chrīḥ śrīmaty ājñā tato rājyam || 248 ||
A person becomes able only in the company of learned, wise and saintly men. Only an able person can attain true wealth. Through wealth, he attains prosperity. And with prosperity comes authority. And with authority, comes the power to rule.
MeghaVarna said “It is true that good politics always yields results. It is only through intelligent politics that you gained the trust of AriMardana and found out all their secrets, thus sealing their fate and ensuring their destruction.”
Sthirajeevin replied…
तीक्ष्णोपाय-प्राप्ति-गम्यो ऽपि यो ऽर्थस् तस्याप्य् आदौ संश्रयः साधु युक्तः ।
उत्तुङ्गाग्रः सार-भूतो वनानां मान्याभ्यर्च्य च्छिद्यते पादपेन्द्रः ॥ २४९ ॥
tīkṣṇopāya-prāpti-gamyo ‘pi yo ‘rthas tasyāpy ādau saṃśrayaḥ sādhu yuktaḥ |
uttuṅgāgraḥ sāra-bhūto vanānāṃ mānyābhyarcya cchidyate pādapendraḥ || 249 ||
Even though one can attain victory through violent means, one should always seek peaceful methods at first. Because, it is only after performing a puja and worship of the tall and magnificent trees, that they are cut down.
to be continued…
As we draw towards the conclusion of this tantra, we find a lot of important points to ponder about. Victory alone does not end it all. Was the victory even worth it? That is something that will be discussed in the concluding episode of this tantra tomorrow. Read on!