“This is the same Jīmūtavāhana who sacrifices his life for others, and is renowned in the three worlds for his compassion. If he dies, it is time for my wicked self to enter the fire and immolate myself.”
“Does the fruit of adharma ever taste sweet?”
As Garuḍa was lost in thought again, Jīmūtavāhana, who had now seen his family, joined his hands together for a final goodbye..and died from the agony of the immense pain he had endured.
ततो विलपतोस् तत्र तत्पित्रोः शोकदीनयोः ।
उत्क्रुश्य मुहुर् आत्मानं शङ्खचूडे च निन्दति ॥ १२,२३.१८१ ॥
भार्या मलयवत्य् अस्य नभो दृष्ट्वाश्रुगद्गदम् ।
पूर्वप्रसन्नां वरदाम् इत्य् उपालभताम्बिकाम् ॥ १२,२३.१८२ ॥
विद्याधराधिपो भाविचक्रवर्ती पतिस् तव ।
भवितेत्य् अहम् आदिष्टा देवि गौरी तदा त्वया ॥ १२,२३.१८३ ॥
तन् मिथ्यावादिनी जाता त्वम् अप्य् असि कथं मयि ।
इत्य् उक्तवत्यां तस्यां सा गौरी प्रत्यक्षताम् अगात् ॥ १२,२३.१८४ ॥
न मे मिथ्या वचः पुत्रीत्य् उक्त्वा सा स्वकमण्डलोः ।
अमृतेनाशु जीमूतवाहनं सिञ्चति स्म तम् ॥ १२,२३.१८५ ॥
His parents, unable to bear the sorrow of seeing their son lying dead in front of them, started to wail loudly. Śaṅkhacūḍa started to blame himself for having left the good soul alone on the shore…
But Jīmūtavāhana’s wife, Malayavatī, looked towards the skies and in a choking voice, called for Devi Ambikā, the same Devi who had been pleased with her and granted her the boon.
“Oh Devi Ambikā! You had promised to me that the king of all the Vidyādharas would be my husband, then how have your words proven false! Here lies my husband, dead, and your promise to be is dead too!”
As she said this, Devi Ambikā appeared before her and said…
“My dear, I have never spoken anything that is not true.”
Saying this, she said a mantra, and sprinkled some holy water from her kamandala, on Jīmūtavāhana.
And in an instant, Jīmūtavāhana rose up once again, brighter than ever, and with all his wounds healed.
तेन सो ऽक्षतसर्वाङ्गः पूर्वाधिकतरद्युतिः ।
जीवन् सद्यः समुत्तस्थौ कृती जीमूतवाहनः ॥ १२,२३.१८६ ॥
उत्थितं प्रणतं तं च सर्वेषु प्रणमत्सु सा ।
उवाच देवी तुष्टास्मि देहदानेन ते ऽमुना ॥ १२,२३.१८७ ॥
तद् एषा त्वाभिषिञ्चामि पुत्रात्मीयेन पाणिना ।
विद्याधराणाम् आकल्पं चक्रवर्तिपदे ऽधुना ॥ १२,२३.१८८ ॥
एवं वदन्ती जीमूतवाहनं कलशाम्बुधिः ।
तम् अभ्यषिञ्चच् छर्वानी पूजिता च तिरोदधे ॥ १२,२३.१८९ ॥
निपेतुश् चात्र तत् कालं दिव्याः कुसुमवृष्टयः ।
नदन्ति स्म च सानन्दं देवदुन्दुभयो दिवि ॥ १२,२३.१९० ॥
अथोवाच स तं प्रह्वस् तार्क्ष्यो जीमूतवाहनम् ।
चक्रवर्तिन्न् अहं प्रीतः पुरुषातिशये त्वयि ॥ १२,२३.१९१ ॥
अपूर्वोदारमतिना त्रिजगत्कौतुकावहम् ।
ब्रह्माण्डभित्तिलिखितं येन चित्रम् इदं कृतम् ॥ १२,२३.१९२ ॥
तन् मां प्रशाधि मत्तश् च वृणुष्वाभीप्सितं वरम् ।
इत्य् उक्तवन्तं गरुडं महासत्त्वो जगाद सः ॥ १२,२३.१९३ ॥
Jīmūtavāhana prostrated before the Devi, and so did everyone else.
Devi Ambikā said to Jīmūtavāhana…
“My son, I am pleased with your sacrifice. I now consecrate you as the king of the Vidyādharas, and you will remain so for one kalpa.”
With these words, Devi Ambikā sprinkled some more water from her kamandala on Jīmūtavāhana’s head, and then vanished.
As Jīmūtavāhana stood up, there was a shower of flowers on him from the skies, and the sounds of the divine drums sounded joyously all around.
Then Garuḍa, bowing low, said to Jīmūtavāhana…
“Oh king of kings! I am pleased; you are a man of extraordinary abilities and compassion, and matchless in generosity. You have made your presence felt for all time, and you will be remembered for your acts of compassion.”
“And so tell me, what boon do you desire from me?”
Jīmūtavāhana replied…
to be continued…