All wells that end wells…

It went well.

A good gathering, employees, spouses, children…all packed into a small room with large memories at the end of it.

A few won, but everyone left with something. Some kids accompanied their parents to collect their trophies, and it was beautiful, watching them pose along. Manoj bought a few gifts from India, and everyone posed for photographs, big smiles n all. Happiness does not need much, just intent to be happy.

Dinner was scrumptious, and of course, we had to have a little adventure at the end of it. I got locked out of the house, since electronic doors are a wee bit more secure but don’t protect against tardiness – my garage remote was left at home, and so was the manual key. So much for being disciplined:))

Finally, got in by the timely help of our contractor, who also showed us how easy it was to get into our house (he took 30 seconds). Don’t know if that electronic system (and all the headache that went into installing it) was worth it after all:|

Tomorrow we are off for another adventure, after long, before the pre-Diwali festivities (and the prep that comes along with it) begin.

Interesting times!

PS: Read the title of the blog again.