A story before, and a story after…

Read the prologue here…

रोहते सायकैर् विद्धं छिन्नं रोहति चासिना ।
वचो दुरुक्तं बीभत्सं न प्ररोहति वाक्-क्षतम् ॥ १११ ॥

rohate sāyakair viddhaṃ chinnaṃ rohati cāsinā |
vaco duruktaṃ bībhatsaṃ na prarohati vāk-kṣatam || 111 ||

Wounds caused by arrows can heal. Cuts made by sharp swords can heal. But wounds caused by harsh words never ever heal.

The owl however, was still on the throne, waiting in anticipation for the holy water to fall on his head as initiation of his grand coronation. After a few pensive minutes, he blurted out “Hey, why is so quiet? Why are you not starting the ceremony? I don’t think the mantras should take so long!”

Krikālika looked haplessly at the blind owl and said “What ceremony? The crow came here and spoke to all the birds, and they flew away in all directions. That crow is still here, the rest have gone. There will be no coronation. Come, let me guide you back home.”

Hearing Krikālika speak this way, the sad owl cried out “You wicked crow! What harm did I do to you that you stopped my coronation as king? Hear me, and hear me well. From today, I am your sworn enemy. It is said…

रोहते सायकैर् विद्धं छिन्नं रोहति चासिना ।
वचो दुरुक्तं बीभत्सं न प्ररोहति वाक्-क्षतम् ॥ १११ ॥

rohate sāyakair viddhaṃ chinnaṃ rohati cāsinā |
vaco duruktaṃ bībhatsaṃ na prarohati vāk-kṣatam || 111 ||

Wounds caused by arrows can heal. Cuts made by sharp swords can heal. But wounds caused by harsh words never ever heal.

Saying this, the sad owl wiped his tears, held Krikālika, and was taken home.

What happened after this? Read more here!