Have you decided to be positive about the lockdown yet? Have you tried to set a small goal, and made up your mind about achieving it?
I hope you did. Coz we all are going to need a lot of self-motivation, to get through what may be ahead of us.
Locking down a hyper-connected world will have its ramifications. There is no doubt about it.
When this is all over, and we limp back to normal, it will not be an easy road. For some of us, it may even be a new normal.
I am not trying to scare you. I am merely stating something that we all know, deep inside, but are afraid to spell it out loud. A lot of businesses are going to go under, a lot of people are going to be unemployed. This virus will have a very damaging effect on our economies, our lifestyles, and our ways of living and working may change – for the better or for the worse, in some way, it may be up to us.
It is tough to say what may happen, how much this may affect us – since it is ongoing. But here is what we can do.
We can prepare.
We have 21 days ahead of us (20 now). We can use this as a period of reflection – have we really lived in the past few years? Or merely kept running, trying to earn more, to spend more, to buy more, to do more? Are we happy with how we look, with how we feel? Are we on the road to becoming better human beings each day?
Take out just 10 minutes every day, for the next 21 days, to reflect on some key aspects of your life, and try to make small but positive changes to each of these 7 areas of our life.
They are:
Mind – am I at peace? What can I do to help me feel more relaxed mentally, and content?
Body – am I healthy? Not as in a six-pack or a beach body, but truly healthy? Do I respect my body and maintain it, or do I abuse it?
Emotions – Am I able to understand them? express them? Have I thought of how I react to situations? What can I change?
Career – Am I happy at work? Am I doing what I truly like, or am passionate about? Am I doing justice to my talent and capability? Do I know my talent and capabilities?
Finances – Do I save enough? Do I overspend on things that I don’t need, or are unimportant to me? I work hard to make my money, do all my expenses justify my blood and sweat?
Relationships – Do I keep in touch with with the people I love the most? And who love me the most? How often do I listen to them, spend time with them, just be with them?
Fun – Am I all about work and making money? Or do I take some time out to be happy, to celebrate life? How can I be more happy?
This is an exercise that may just end up changing your life:)
We will have to prepare. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Our country will face hardships, humanity as a whole will face hardships. We have had a good run for long. It’s time now to give back, to our fellow human beings, to our country. The only way to do it, is by strengthening each one of us.