21-day Sādhanā challenge – Day 21 – the beginning

We looked at the first week of the Sādhanā here.

And at the second week of the Sādhanā here.

On Day 15, I had a look at what yoga means – beyond the physical dimension that we have recently come to associate this ancient science with.

I have been asked on how my yoga is different from what’s being offered by existing yoga studios – do I have a new set of āsanās, or a new `vinyāsā flow sequence’, or new breathing techniques? My answer is simple:

The yoga studio teaches you for one hour. My yoga, is for the other twenty-three.

The next day, I spoke about Preya and Shreya, and about the choices that we are faced with every day, every moment. Do we choose the easy, passing pleasure that is fleeting(preya), or the good lasting welfare, that is less attractive(shreya)?

This pandemic has given us ample time to think, and reflect on many aspects of our life. Now think of most of the choices that you make – would they classify as preya, or shreya?

What is Raja Yoga? Is it a step-by-step progression though various stages of yoga, or something else? On day 17, we explored the 8-fold path and discussed the various angās, or limbs of Ashtanga Yoga.

Caring for the environment is not an option anymore. It is a necessity. On day 18, I suggested three small steps that we all can take, n order to truly make a difference. But the bigger step involves us getting out of the way of nature (like we have during the lockdown), and letting it repair itself.

Can we, as a species – not just one society, or one state, or one country – can we come together as a species and stay out of the way for one day a week?

The Bhagavad Gitā is a scripture that can possibly be the only guide we will ever need to tackle any situation in life. A large part of my journey, my sādhanā, will revolve around trying to live the teachings of the Gitā. I attempted an introduction on day 19 – I am refreshing my knowledge of Sanskrit so that I can read the Gitā the way it was written, and will then bring you my humble interpretation of it.

I also spoke of inner battles, and our default state of unhappiness..

We are unhappy, and so we look for things that make us happy. What if our default state was happiness, and that remained unchanged until something tried to make us unhappy?

Yesterday – day 20, we discussed fasting, and three steps to try out as basics towards a sustained fasting regimen. One is to ‘eat’ warm water when you wake, the second is to have a regular fasting habit, and three is to regularise the time of eating.

When you feel connected to what you eat, when you taste and relish each morsel, and when you realise that food is a blessing.

A guide of mine asked me today, after reading the first part of this long summary – what did you learn during this journey? How was your experience?

A valid question – which will be answered after I have my evening shower, and prayers. See you soon!