Month: April 2020
21-day Sādhanā challenge – Day 17
I got a lot of requests to write more on the 8-fold path of yoga – that some refer to as Ashtanga Yoga or Raja Yoga. I know that it gets a bit confusing at times – after all , there are so many terminologies and variations – ashtanga, raja, bhakti, karma, kriya, gyana – …
21-day Sādhanā challenge – Day 16
We are but a sum total of the choices we make. Life is all about choices. From the food we eat, to the clothes we wear, to bigger decisions such as the career we choose, to where we live, even our life partners. It is said that we humans are the only beings on the …
21-day Sādhanā challenge – Day 15
What is yoga? I had written about this earlier, but as my own journey progresses, I find some more answers on the way. Here are some of them. What is Yoga? This seemingly simple question is quite difficult to answer actually. Answers differ – it depends on who is asking the question, and who is …
21-day Sādhanā challenge – Day 14
“Watch your thoughts, they become words;watch your words, they become actions;watch your actions, they become habits;watch your habits, they become character;watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” This quote is a favourite of many Instagrammers and finds its way to many WhatsApp message inboxes in a ‘good morning’ wrapping. It has been attributed to …
21-day Sādhanā challenge – Day 13
Did you know that most of the time, you breathe through one nostril only? Yes, this is true. Try it for yourself. Hold your palm below your left nostril and breathe normally…now hold it below your right nostril. You will find that one nostril dominates the other. Repeat this exercise after around 2 hours. You …
21-day Sādhanā challenge – Day 12
Have you noticed that we tend to remember bad experiences more than good ones? Think of the past few days. Try and recall all the good experiences that you had – can be a good meal, or a great conversation, or a wonderful book that you read…attempt to recall as much as you can about …