Revisit every two months
Two duplicate sets of six items (toy cars, spoons, cups, bowls, small dolls, etc
A shoebox with a large slit cut through the top so that it’s easy to put flashcards and pictures through it.
Choose a space with limited distractions – separate room or cordoned-off area.
Sanitise – remove all objects that can distract, especially toys
Selecting a room or a corner of a room for table time—with specific materials that are kept only for table time—allows you to structure learning time for you and your child.
Having your child sit at a table with you builds joint attention. When he happily sits and eventually requests his favorite items, activities, and your attention, he soon realizes that you are the giver of all the good things and that learning is fun!
Teaching matching, imitation, labeling, puzzle-building, and most early learner skills are easier with a flat surface. You can also switch activities quickly while your child stays at the table, allowing for a lot more learning opportunities.
The skills you and your child learn at the table can then transfer to the natural environment so that your child can be learning at bath time, in the playroom, or at the grocery store.
The child should be willing to walk eagerly to the table and sit for the learning sessions.
The materials for these teaching sessions should be in a closed cabinet out of reach or sight of the child, except when it is learning time.
The child should sit on a chair at a play table, with his feet on the floor (they should not be dangling).
- Child-size table and chair(s)
- Reinforcing items (edibles, a drink, an electronic device, bubbles, etc.)
- A shoebox with a large slit cut in the top so that it’s easy for your child to put flashcards and pictures through it
- Two identical packs of first word flashcards
- Two duplicate sets of pictures of family members and reinforcers (Mom, Dad, juice, tablet, etc.) Each picture should have only one person or item.
- Mr. Potato Head, keeping all the parts in a separate clear bag
- Three or more inset puzzles
- Simple cause-and-effect toys, such as a hammer and balls, pop-up toys, or toys with parts that can go in or down
- A first word book and simple books with pictures and up to one sentence per page
- Two sets of six identical items (toy cars, spoons, cups, bowls, small dolls, etc.)