A day well spent!
Started with a his favorite breakfast, then bath, puja at home and a visit to the swanky new temple. He slept on the way back so had to continue his siesta at home while dad dearest went and fetched his cake. A quiet evening followed, with cake cutting, eating and liberal doses of Ms. Rachel and Cocomelon.
Happy kid, satisfied parents.
One interesting thing, that I hope to repeat every birthday of his. A slideshow of his year that was, the best pics that we can revisit and relive those moments. The good part is, he watches too. What does he think when seeing his pictures? Hmm…can’t wait for him to start speaking and express his thoughts. But, as I have seen from the kids in the neighborhood, he would have to get over the Why and How syndrome (asking questions at a drop of a hat) before such meaningful conversation can happen.
Long way to go!